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See Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Commands Commands Supported for Task Instance Statuses for a list of task instances (and their statuses) for which these commands can be issued.





Cancels a running task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Cancelling Cancelling a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Clear All Dependencies

Workflow tasks only: Clears all dependencies (predecessors, resources, and exclusive) of a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing All Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Exclusive

Clears mutually exclusive dependencies of a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing Mutually Exclusive Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Predecessors

Workflow tasks only: Clears predecessor dependencies of a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing Predecessor Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Resources

Clears resource dependencies of a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing Resource Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Time/Wait Delay

Clears all Wait To Start and Delay On Start specifications for this task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing Time Wait/Delay Specifications of a Task Instance).

Force Finish

Places a task instance into the Finished status (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Force Force Finishing a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Force Finish (Halt)

Places a task instance into the Finished status (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Force Force Finishing (Halt) a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Force Finish/Cancel

Cancels a task and places it into the Finished status (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Force Force Finish/Cancelling a Task Instance); including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Force Finish/Cancel (Halt)

Cancels a task and places it into the Finished status (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Force Force Finish/Cancelling (Halt) a Task Instance).


Temporarily prevents a task instance from running (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Putting Putting a Task Instance on Hold).


Removes a task instance from being on Hold (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Releasing Releasing a Task Instance from Hold).

Release Recursive

Workflow tasks only: Removes a workflow and its task instances from being on Hold (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Releasing Releasing a Task Instance from Hold).


Not applicable for Workflow tasks: Re-runs a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Re Re-running a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures)

Not applicable for Workflow tasks: Re-runs a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Re Re-running a Task Instance) specifying that intermediate failures be suppressed, including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Retrieve Output

Retrieves output (Standard Output and/or Standard Error, or in the case of z/OS, the Job Log) for any running or completed task instance, limited to the following supported task types:

  • Application Control
  • Remote File Monitor
  • Linux/Unix
  • PeopleSoft
  • SAP
  • Universal
  • Universal Command
  • Windows
  • z/OS

Set Completed

Sets a Manual Task instance to the Success status.

Set Priority

Sets the priority of a task instance in Started, Running, or Queued status to High, Medium, or Low (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Changing Changing the Priority of a Task Instance).

Set Started

Resets the Started Time of a Manual Task instance.


Disregards a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Skipping a Skipping a Task Instance).

Skip Path

Disregards a task instance and all of its dependent task instances (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Skipping Skipping a Task Instance).


Removes the Skip status of a task instance (see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Unskipping Unskipping a Task Instance).

Issuing Commands from the Activity Monitor
Issuing Commands from the Activity Monitor
Issuing Commands from the Activity Monitor


For a description of each command, see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Issuing Issuing Commands Against Task Instances.

For details and instructions on issuing these commands, see the specific section (below) on this page.


Step 1

View the Workflow that contains the task instance whose dependencies you want to satisfy.

Step 2

Locate and right-click on the task dependency (the connector line between two tasks).

Step 3

Select Commands.

Step 4

Select Mark as Satisfied. If all other dependencies are satisfied, the task instance is launched normally.

Evaluating a Dependency 

For task instances running inside of a Workflow, you can evaluate a variable condition dependency. 

When the Evaluate Edge command is executed, an Evaluate dialog pops up and display the First Value, First Value(resolved), Operator, Second Value, Second Value(resolved), and the Evaluation result.

Image Added

One method is available for evaluating a dependency:

  • From the Workflow Monitor

Evaluating a Variable Condition Dependency from the Workflow Monitor

Step 1

View the Workflow that contains the task instance whose dependencies you want to evaluate.

Step 2

Locate and right-click on the task dependency (the connector line between two tasks).

Step 3

Select Commands.

Step 4

Select Evaluate.

Clearing Dependencies
Clearing Dependencies
Clearing Predecessor Dependencies of a Task Instance



Clearing predecessor dependencies does not include the clearing of resource and mutually exclusive dependencies. To clear these dependencies, see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing Resource Dependencies of a Task Instance and Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing Mutually Exclusive Dependencies of a Task Instance, below. To clear all dependencies, see Manually Running and Controlling Tasks#Clearing Clearing All Dependencies of a Task Instance, below.

One method is available for clearing predecessor dependencies of a task instance:
