Simulate Forecast

Enables the override of the System Default Trigger Simulate Forecast Universal Controller system property specification for whether or not to simulate forecasting of a trigger.
By enabling trigger forecast simulation, it allows you to enable a trigger to generate forecast records without the trigger launching the specified task(s) at the next scheduled time.
  • -- System Default --
    • Use the system default for enabling / disabling trigger forecast simulation as specified by System Default Trigger Simulate Forecast.
  • True
    • Enable trigger forecast simulation.
  • False
    • Disable trigger forecast simulation.
At the next scheduled time the controller will only log a message similar to the following.
Trigger simulation: Trigger [Time] "trigger-name" with id trigger-uuidlaunching task "task-name" with id task-uuid using trigger variables {...}. Next scheduled trigger time "Sat Apr 01 11:02:00 EDT 2023".