Remote Execution for SAP Systems

Remote Execution for SAP Systems


These pages provide information on the Remote Processing for SAP Systems feature of Universal Agent.

Remote Execution for SAP Systems refers to the initiation of work within an SAP system from some location outside of the SAP system. The type of work initiated within the SAP system is primarily centered on job control. Job control refers to the scheduling, running, monitoring, and managing of jobs and job data.

The Universal Connector for SAP component of Universal Agent is used to execute this work on the remote SAP system.

Universal Connector for SAP operates as a single Universal Agent component on the local system. It accepts work requests on the local system and communicates directly with the SAP system to carry out those requests (no Universal Agent components are required on the SAP system).

Each work request requires a user identifier. The supplied user identifier is authenticated on the SAP system before the work can begin. If authentication is successful, the work will be performed on the SAP system under the context of the authenticated user. If authentication fails, no work is performed and the request fails.

Universal Connector for SAP communicates with SAP systems using SAP's RFC communication protocol. Work requests within the SAP system are made through external interfaces exposed by the SAP system. The primary SAP interface used by Universal Connector for SAP is XBP (eXternal Background Processing).

Work Requests

The following list identifies general work requests that can be performed on the SAP system using Universal Agent:

  • Define/submit SAP jobs
  • Modify SAP jobs
  • Start SAP jobs
  • Monitor SAP jobs
  • Cancel running SAP jobs
  • Retrieve the job log of SAP jobs
  • Retrieve the spool lists of SAP jobs
  • Delete SAP jobs and their associated output
  • Query jobs in the SAP system
  • Define/create SAP variants
  • Modify SAP variants
  • Query variants in the SAP system
  • Raise SAP events
  • Process/monitor Batch Input sessions
  • Initiate/monitor Mass Activities
  • Retrieve the SAP system log
  • Retrieve output device information

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for Remote Execution for SAP Systems:


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