SSL_CIPHER_LIST - UFTP configuration option
The SSL_CIPHER_LIST option specifies one or more SSL/TLS cipher suites that UFTP would like to use to secure the control and data sessions for an FTPS transfer.
This option is used only when the transfer protocol is FTPS.
Method | Syntax | IBM i | HP NonStop | UNIX | Windows | z/OS |
Command Line, Short Form | n/a |
Command Line, Long Form | -ssl_cipher_list list |
| | | |
Environment Variable | UFTPSSLCIPHERLIST=list |
| | |
| |
Configuration File Keyword | ssl_cipher_list list |
| | |
list is a comma-separated list of SSL/TLS cipher suites. The following table identifies the cipher suites supported for this option.
The list is in default order, with the most preferred suite first and the least preferred suite last.
Cipher Suite Name | Description |
AES256-GCM-SHA384 | 256-bit AES encryption in Galois Counter Mode, SHA-2 384-bit message digest. |
AES256-SHA | 256-bit AES encryption with SHA-1 message digest. |
AES128-GCM-SHA256 | 128-bit AES encryption in Galois Counter Mode, SHA-2 256-bit message digest. |
AES128-SHA | 128-bit AES encryption with SHA-1 message digest. |
RC4-SHA | 128-bit RC4 encryption with SHA-1 message digest. |
RC4-MD5 | 128-bit RC4 encryption with MD5 message digest. |
DES-CBC3-SHA | 128-bit Triple-DES encryption with SHA-1 message digest. |
DES-CBC-SHA | 128-bit DES encryption with SHA-1 message digest. Note As of Universal Agent, DES-CBC-SHA is supported only on HP-UX. |