The event is generated when UEC receives a UES event that relates to a Universal Data Mover File Transfer.
Field Name |
Description |
eventCategory |
Status |
eventSeverity |
Informational |
eventTopic |
File |
eventType |
702 |
recordedTime |
recordedTime of the consolidated event is set to the recordedTime value of the first UES event received that applies to the consolidated event. |
recordedTimeUsec |
recordedTimeUsec of the consolidated event is set to the recordedTimeUsec value of the first UES event received that applies to the consolidated event. |
reporterGroupUuid |
Same as reporterObjectUuid. |
reporterIpAddress |
Reporter IP address is UEC host for consolidated events. |
reporterName |
Reporter name is "UEC" for all consolidated events. |
reporterObjectUuid |
Unique UUID generated by UEC at startup. Each execution of UEC will have a unique reporterObjectUuid. |
reporterParentUuid |
Not applicable - not reported. |
reporterSysId |
Not applicable - not reported. |
reporterUnitUuid |
Same as reporterObjectUuid. |
sourceGroupUuid |
Group UUID that groups (and is shared by) all UES events that comprise the consolidated event. |
sourceIpAddress |
Source IP address is UEC host for consolidated events. |
sourceName |
Source name is "UEC" for all consolidated events. |
sourceObjectUuid |
Same as reporterObjectUuid. |
sourceParentUuid |
Not applicable - not reported. |
sourceSysId |
Not applicable - not reported. |
sourceUnitUuid |
Unit UUID that groups (and is shared by) all UES events that comprise the consolidated event. |
timeZone |
Time zone in which the event was generated. The value is the number of seconds between UTC and local time. |
version |
Numeric value that is incremented whenever the header changes (that is, changes to the header format or header fields). |
Field Name |
Notes |
Description |
bytesRead |
Number of bytes read from the source file. |
bytesWritten |
Number of bytes written to the destination file. |
destAgentName |
Agent Name associated with the destination of the transfer. |
destHost |
Host name of the machine where the destination of the transfer resides. |
fileDestPath |
Absolute path of the destination file involved in the transfer. |
fileResult |
Indication of success or failure of the file operation.
fileSrcPath |
Absolute path of the source file involved in the transfer. |
fileType |
Type of file being transferred, either a file or a directory. |
mgrCertIssuer |
Issuer field of the digital certificate provided by the UDM Manager. |
mgrCertSerialNo |
Serial number of the digital certificate provided by the UDM Manager. |
mgrCertSubject |
Subject field of the digital certificate provided by the UDM Manager. |
mgrIpAddr |
IP address from which the UDM Manager's socket connection was established. |
mgrPort |
TCP port number from which the UDM Manager's socket connection was established. |
mgrUserId |
User identifier of the UDM Manager. |
mgrWorkId |
Work identifier of the UDM Manager. |
sessionUuid |
Unique identifier for the UDM session in which the file transfer occurred. |
srcAgentName |
Agent Name associated with the source of the transfer. |
srcHost |
Host name of the machine where the source of the transfer resides. |
startDateTime |
UTC date and time the file transfer started. |
stopDateTime |
UTC date and time the file transfer completed. |
transactionId |
Transaction identifier associated with the command invoking the file transfer. |
transferMode |
Mode (text or binary) of the transfer. |
transferStatus |
The status of the file transfer. Valid values are:
transferStatusSz |
Status of the file transfer. Valid values are:
transferUuid |
Unique identifier for the transfer operation. |