Universal Connector for SAP Commands

Universal Connector for SAP Commands

Universal Connector Commands

This page identifies and provides links to detailed information on all commands of Universal Connector for SAP.

Each command has configuration options associated with it that can be used to specify additional information / actions for an execution of that command.

(For information on configuration options not associated with one or more specific commands, see Universal Connector for SAP Configuration Options for Program Execution.)

Command Groups

Universal Connector for SAP groups commands into areas of common functionality, as shown in the following table. Each row identifies a command group, the commands in that group, and the type of operation performed by those commands.

Each command name is a link to the following information about that command:

Command Description

Description of the operation(s) performed by the command.

Command Line Syntax

Syntax of the command and its options on the command line.

Command Argument

Command line expression (short and/or long form) and description of the command argument.

Command Options

Description of the configuration options associated with the option and a link to detailed information about those options.

Command Groups


The RUN command group contains convenience commands that combine the commands from multiple command groups.
For example, the RUN JOB command performs the following actions:

  1. Defines an SAP job.
  2. Starts the job.
  3. Waits for the job to complete.
  4. Writes the joblog and spoollists of the job.
  5. Purges the job from the SAP system.

The SUBMIT command group contains commands that define various resource definitions to the SAP system.
For example, the SUBMIT JOB command defines a job to the SAP system.

The MODIFY command group contains commands that modify various resource definitions on the SAP system.
For example, the MODIFY JOB command modifies a job definition in the SAP system.

The START command group contains commands that start various types work on the SAP system.
For example, the START JOB command starts a job on the SAP system.

The WAIT command group contains commands that are used to monitor various types of work on the SAP system.
For example, the WAIT for JOB command is used to monitor an SAP job through to completion.

The ABORT command group contains a single command, ABORT, that cancels a running SAP job.

The DISPLAY command group contains commands that display various types of SAP data.

The GENERATE command group contains commands that generate USAP job or variant definitions based on model SAP jobs or variants.

The PURGE command group contains commands that delete SAP jobs.

The CRITERIA MANAGEMENT command group contains commands that set up SAP criteria.

The PROCESS CHAIN command group contains commands that work with Process Chains on SAP systems.

The INFO PACKAGES command group contains commands that work with InfoPackages on SAP systems.

The SYNTAX command checks the syntax of a job definition file.

The RAISE EVENT command raises the specified SAP background processing event.

Job ID Requirement

Some Universal Connector for SAP commands do not require a job ID on the command line when selecting an appropriate model job from an SAP system.

For details, see Job ID Requirement for Universal Connector for SAP Commands.


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