Universal Enterprise Controller - Controlled Information

Universal Enterprise Controller - Controlled Information


Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) controls two types of information:

UEC-Maintained Information

The information that UEC maintains is organized into four categories:

  1. Users
  2. Agents
  3. SAP Systems
  4. Groups

This information is maintained via the I-Administrator UEC Client Application.


Only valid UEC users have access to the Universal Enterprise Controller client applications. Each UEC user has a user name and password.

Associated with each user is:

  • Set of permissions specifying the operations that the user can perform with UEC.
  • List of groups containing the agents that the user can interact with via UEC.

UEC maintains its own user list. Each UEC user is assigned a set of permissions and user group membership.


An agent consists of:

  • Agent name.
  • Host address.
  • Port on which the agent's Universal Broker is listening.

Adding an agent to UEC puts the agent on the UEC polling list. The agent then will be polled each cycle. Information about the status of the agent is sent back to any agent-monitoring utilities connected to UEC.

SAP Systems

An SAP system consists of:

  • System name.
  • Application Server Host (ASHOST)
  • Client Number
  • System Number

Adding an SAP system to UEC puts the system on the UEC polling list. The SAP system then will be polled each cycle. Information about the status of the SAP system is sent back to I-AM clients connected to UEC.


Groups provide a simple way of organizing agents and/or SAP systems. Each agent or SAP system can belong to one or more groups.

(All agents are placed automatically in the pre-defined All Agents group. All SAP systems are placed automatically in the pre-defined All SAP Systems group.)

Users have access only to the groups assigned to them by their UEC administrator. This means that a user working with the I-Activity Monitor application can only monitor agents and/or SAP systems in the groups assigned to that user.

UEC-Monitored Information

The information that UEC monitors is organized into four categories:

  1. Alerts
  2. Jobs
  3. Files
  4. Systems

This information can be viewed via the I-Activity Monitor UEC Client Application.


UEC monitors alerts for all agents and SAP systems assigned to UEC.

Alerts are monitored until the alert condition has resolved.

Alert Types

UEC creates three types of alerts:

  • Agent Down
    UEC was unable to establish a connection with the broker on the last poll attempt.
  • Component Disconnected
    Server is not connected to the Manager. This occurs when a network error has occurred, the manager halted, or the manager host halted. The server is executing with either the network fault tolerant protocol, is restartable, or both.


    The Server cannot determine whether or not the Manager is still executing because it cannot communicate with it.

  • Component Orphaned
    Manager has terminated. The manager sends a termination message to the server to notify it of its termination prior to terminating. This state only occurs if the server is restartable.


UEC monitors all Universal Command and Universal Data Mover jobs (active, completed, and failed) for all agents assigned to UEC.


UEC monitors all files (active, completed, and failed) transferred by UDM for the Agents being monitored by UEC.


UEC monitors all Agents and SAP systems that have been assigned to UEC via the I-Administrator utility.


The UEC MONITOR_EVENT_EXPIRATION option defines the length of time that each job and file is monitored (default is 24 hours).

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