RFC (Remote Function Call) Options - Universal Connector for SAP

RFC (Remote Function Call) Options - Universal Connector for SAP


The RFC (Remote Function Call) options are always used to configure a fault tolerant RFC connection. All RFC options have default values that are used if additional values are not provided.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of the RFC options, using their command line, long form.

-rfc_cfit symbol
-rfc_codepage codepage
-rfc_delta option
-rfc_listen_interval interval
-rfc_logon_retry_count count 
-rfc_logon_retry_interval interval 
-rfc_mysapsso2 path
-rfc_no_compress option
-rfc_on_cce option
-rfc_pcs size
-rfc_retry_count count
-rfc_retry_interval interval
-rfc_timeout interval
-rfc_trace level
-rfc_trace_dir path
-rfc_x509cert path
-saprouter parameters
-snc_lib path
-snc_mode mode
-snc_myname token
-snc_partnername token
-snc_qop level
-snc_sso level

RFC Options List

The following table describes all RFC options and provides the command line, long form of each option illustrated in the RFC options command line syntax, above.

Option Name

Command Line
Long Form




Substitute symbol to use if the ON_CCE option value is 2 (replace the character).



As documented by SAP: The CODEPAGE option is similar to the PCS option. It is needed only if you want to connect to a non-Unicode back-end using a non-ISO-Latin-1 username or password. The RFC library will then use that codepage for the initial handshake, thus preserving the characters in username/password.



Specification for whether or not to use delta-manager when serializing / deserializing table parameters passed by using TABLES clause.



Number of seconds that will elapse between RFC listen calls.



Number of unsuccessful RFC logon retry attempts that can occur before USAP terminates the logon process and ends unsuccessfully.



Number of seconds that will elapse between a failed RFC logon attempt and the retry of that logon attempt.



Path to a file containing the credentials to log on with an SSO2 ticket (Single-Sign_On) - instead of USER&PASSWORD - or with an "Assertion" ticket (starting with back-end release 7.00).



Specification for whether or not the RC protocol compress tables.



Specification for what the NW RFC library will do when it encounters a character that either does not exist in the target codepage, is a broken character or is a control character (0x00 - 0x19).



As documented by SAP: The PCS option specifies a Partner Character Size. It is rarely needed, as during the initial handshake, the RFC library obtains the correct value from the back-end and uses it from then on.
However, a rare use case could be that the back-end is Unicode and you want to use a non-ISO-Latin-1 username or password for the initial logon. As the initial handshake is done with ISO-Latin-1, the characters in username/passwd would break, resulting in a refused logon. In that case, set PCS=2 and the RFC library will use Unicode for the initial handshake.



Number of unsuccessful RFC call retry attempts that can occur before USAP terminates the RFC call retry process and ends unsuccessfully.



Number of seconds that will elapse between a failed RFC call and the retry of that call.



Trace level of all connections / destinations.



SAPRouter string for the NW RFC connection.



Full path and name of a third-party security library to use for SNC communication (authentication, encryption, and signatures).



Specification for whether or not SNC should be activated for the SAP RFC connection.



Token/identifier representing the external RFC program.



Token/identifier representing the back-end system.



Quality of protection level.



Specification for whether or not to use SNC single sign-on if SNC is enabled.



Number of seconds that can elapse before USAP considers an RFC call to have timed out.



Directory where RFC trace files will be written.



Specification for whether the NW RFC library, during group-logon, should use symbolic service names defined in /etc/services (such as sapgw33, or hard-coded port numbers derived from the instance number (such as 3300).



Path to a file containing the credentials to log on with an X509 certificate ticket instead of USER&PASSWORD.

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