JMS Connector Request-Reply Operation - Usage

JMS Connector Request-Reply Operation - Usage

Universal Command Options

The following figure illustrates the Universal Command options required to execute the JMS Connector Request/Reply operation.

-script JMSRequestReply_Queues_Options.txt
-script_type SERVICE
-host server1
-login YES
-userid abc
-pwd 123


Script File

The following figure illustrates the script file.

-protocol JMS
-mep Request
-serviceurl iiop://server1:2809
-jmsdestination jms/IntegrationTestQueue1
-jmsconnectionfactoryname jms/ConnectionFactory
-jmscontextfactoryname com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory
-jmspropertiesfile xml/websphere.properties.xml


The script file illustrated above is the argument to the -script (SCRIPT_FILE) option for Universal Command shown in the first figure.

Command File

The command options shown in the first figure can be saved in a file and invoked with UCMD via the -file (COMMAND_FILE_PLAIN) option, as shown in the following figure.

ucmd -file JMSRequestReply_Queues_Options.txt < JMSPayload.xml

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