Universal Automation Center Agent on z/OS

Universal Automation Center Agent on z/OS

z/OS Application Monitoring and Control

The Universal Controller Application Monitoring and Control feature allows you to use Universal Controller as an application monitoring and control system. You can start, stop, and query applications running on any system where you have an Agent installed and running.

A z/OS Universal Controller Application resource identifies a z/OS started task to be monitored and controlled by a z/OS Agent. The z/OS Agent executes MVS system commands using an extended MCS console to perform the start, stop, and query actions specified in the Application resource.

Extended MCS Console

Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) establishes an extended MCS console with the following attributes:

Extended MCS Attribute


Command Authority

Master Authority

Console Key (used in DISPLAY C command)


Console Name


Command Scope

Current system

Message Scope

Current system

Override User Profile OPERPARM



The extended MCS console is activated and deactivated with the UBROKER STC user ID. The system commands are executed using the extended MCS console with the user ID defined by the Application resource credentials. If no credentials are specified in the Application resource definition, the system commands are executed with the UBROKER STC user ID.

Extended MCS consoles can be protected so that only permitted users have the authority to issue commands. The RACF OPERCMDS class is used to establish user security for extended MCS consoles.

Refer to the IBM MVS Planning: Operations and the Security Server RACF Security Administrator Guide manuals for complete details.

GDG Datasets Restriction

File Monitors with Monitor Type = Exists or Create do not work with GDG datasets. Whether the generation is coded explicitly (for example: DATA.SET.NAME.G0001V00) or relatively (for example: DATA.SET.NAME(0)), the File Monitor will always end with 'Dataset Not Found'.

Data Set Deletion Report

The UAG Deleted Data Sets report lists the data sets that were deleted before a z/OS job ran. This includes all data sets that were considered for deletion (that is, all data sets that would normally have been deleted, except under special circumstances).

Some reasons for not deleting a data set are:

  • User specified OPSDSDEL=NO
  • Data set name is included in the dsn_delete_exclude list
  • Data set is referenced in a step prior to the one that creates it.
  • Data set was not created in a prior run because the step was skipped or flushed.
  • An error occurred while trying to delete the data set.

UAG Audit Report

At start-up, UAG produces a report containing information useful to Stonebranch Support.

This includes information on:

  • UAG version
  • OS version
  • UAG configuration information
  • OS environmental information
  • Other UAG information considered useful

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