JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP - UCMD Server configuration option

JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP - UCMD Server configuration option


The JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP option controls whether or not copies of the joblog from the UCMSINIT job and (optionally) from the job started with USBMJOB are written to a spool file.

Prior to release 5.1.0, Universal Command Server for IBM i spooled a copy of the job log to the QEZJOBLOG output queue via specialized printer files. USBMJOB used printer file USBMJPRTF and the Universal Command Server used printer file UCMSVRPRTF.

As of release 5.1.0, Universal Command Server for IBM i produces system-generated job logs that are stored in the QEZJOBLOG output queue, or other system designated job log output queue, using the system job log print file, QPJOBLOG.

For the Universal Command joblog, the UCMSINIT job description is used. For the user process joblog from UJOBINIT, the job description is dependent on the user profile and the submit job parameters for USBMJOB.

JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP has no impact on whether or not the joblogs are returned to the Universal Command manager.

Job Options Affecting Job Log Output

IBM i system option JOBMSGQFL can affect output spooled to the job log spool file. When JOBMSGQFL is set to *PRTWRAP, job log messages in the job log message queue are written to the job log spool file before being overwritten in the queue. These messages, once written to the spool file, cannot be read.

Therefore, with JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP = yes, the job log sent via stderr with JOBMSGQFL set to *PRTWRAP will be the same as when JOBMSGQFL is set to *WRAP. Stated differently, for job logs returned via stderr with JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP = yes, JOBMSGQFL set to *PRTWRAP is equivalent to JOBMSGQFL set to *WRAP.

The JOBMSGQFL setting does not affect messages written to the job log spool file with JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP = yes. All job log message are written to the job log spool file just as if Universal Command were not part of the process.

The JOBMSGQFL default setting is *NOWRAP. When set to *NOWRAP, the operating system ends the job when the job log message queue is full.








Configuration File Keyword

joblog_copy_keep option


Manager Override



option is the specification for whether or not copies of the job logs are written to a spool file.

Valid values for option are:

  • yes
    Job logs are written to a spool file.
  • no
    Job logs are not written to a spool file.

Default is no.


The JOB_LOG option does impact the JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP option for the Universal Command job log from UCMSINIT.

For example, if the JOB_LOG value is never, Universal Command does not touch the UCMSINIT joblog. Instead, as with previous versions of Universal Command, the joblog goes to the spool based on the UCMSINIT job description.

Basically, JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP impacts the UCMSINIT joblog only if JOB_LOG produces a joblog for Universal Command to process. The user process joblog from UJOBINIT is always produced when USBMJOB is executed, so it will always be processed based on JOBLOG_COPY_KEEP.

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