Batch Input Monitoring Example for zOS
Batch Input Monitoring Example for zOS
Batch Input Processing Example
This example illustrates batch input processing for z/OS.
//USPBDC1 JOB CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //***************************************************************** //* Description //* ----------- //* This sample demonstrates the use of USAP's Batch Input //* Monitoring. //* //* NOTE: This job requires that variant SBX1 exists for ABAP //* program RSBDCSUB. //* //* This sample will: //* 1. Modify variant SBX1 with values required for this //* job run (specifies the batch input session to be processed). //* 2. Submit a new job to the SAP system. //* 3. Start the job. //* 4. Monitor the submitted job and all session processing jobs //* to completion. //* 5. Return the job logs. //* 6. Return the spool list. //* 7. Prints a brief report indicating the status of all batch //* input sessions processed //* // JCLLIB ORDER=\#SHLQ.UNV.SUNVSAMP //* //***************************************************************** //* Modify variant 'SBX1' for ABAP program RSBDCSUB //***************************************************************** //STEP1 EXEC USPPRC //VARDEF DD * /* Variant Header statement. */ VARIANT\_NAME = "SBX1" REPORT = "RSBDCSUB"; /* Session */ SELNAME = "MAPPE" KIND = "P" SIGN = "" OPTION = "" LOW = "SBX20100720" HIGH = ""; //SYSIN DD * -dest CF5 -client 800 -userid sapuid -pwd sappwd -modify VARDEF /* //***************************************************************** //* Run ABAP program RSBDCSUB to perform Batch Input processing //* using the variant that was modified in step 1. //* //* NOTE: This job requires that a variant SBX1 exists for ABAP //* program RSBDCSUB. //* //***************************************************************** //STEP2 EXEC USPPRC //JOBDEF DD * /* Job Header statement. */ JOBNAME = "RSBDCSUB"; /* ABAP Step statement. */ ABAP_STEP = "STEP 1" ABAP_PROGRAM_NAME = "RSBDCSUB_SBX1" VARIANT_NAME = "SBX1"; //SYSIN DD * -dest CF5 -client 800 -userid sapuid -pwd sappwd -sub JOBDEF -start -bdcwait /*
SYSIN Options
SYSIN options used in this example are:
Command Options | Description |
Named set of connection parameters (destination) 'CF5'. These connection parameters are used for communications with the SAP system. The default file for destination parameters is #HLQ.UNV.USPRFC00. | |
SAP client number that the Universal Connector will communicate with. | |
Remote user ID with which to execute the command. | |
Password for the user ID. | |
Specification that Universal Connector will issue the SUBMIT command. | |
Specification that Universal Connector will instruct the SAP system to start the submitted job. |
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