UDM Command Format - Basic Rules

UDM Command Format - Basic Rules



UDM commands should not include the following characters in their passwords:




Anywhere in string.


Anywhere in string.


Anywhere in string.


Anywhere in string.


Anywhere in string.


Anywhere in string.


Last character in string.


Last character in string.

UDM Command Format - Basic Rules

The following basic rules apply to all UDM commands.


Each command can have zero or more parameters. Each parameter can have a value, which immediately must follow an equal ( = ) sign.


A space must precede each parameter or parameter and value.

Value names, such as a filename with a long path under Windows, can include spaces. To indicate such values, use quotation marks ( " ).

For example:

copy src="c:\program files\somefile.txt" dst=test.txt

Escape Sequences

Double Quote Marks

To include quotation marks ( " ) as part of the token, use two quotation marks in a row:

> echo "This word is ""quoted""!"

{This word is "quoted"!}}

Other Printable Characters

When processing tokens that are inside quotation marks, all other printable characters - except variable references - are ignored as being part of the language.

If you want to assign a variable to have a value of a language symbol, such as an equal sign ( = ), you must enclose it in quotation marks:

> set myvar="="

> echo $(myvar)


Line Continuation

If a command is too long for a single line, it can be continued on one or more following lines by placing either of the following characters as the last character in each line break:

  • Plus sign ( + )
    Retains leading white space on the next line when assembling the finished line.
  • Minus sign ( - )
    Trims the leading white space.

For example:

This is +

     a test

Yields the following line:

This is    a test

This is -

    a test

Yields the following line:

This is a test


A script also can have comments: lines of user-specified text indicating information about the script and the operations taking place.

Comment lines begin with the hash ( # ) mark. White space characters can precede the hash ( # ) mark.


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