UDM - IBM i delete (Delete) Command

UDM - IBM i delete (Delete) Command

IBM i delete (Delete) Command

The delete (Delete) command in the UDM for IBM i LIB file system takes the following form:

DELETE logical-name=file-mask

delete Command Requirements

The delete command has the following requirements:

  • It can be used to remove files and members, but not libraries.


For the protection of the file system, UDM for IBM i does not allow users to delete libraries.

delete Command Forms

With UDM for IBM i, the file mask, which can contain wild cards in any portion (library, file and member) takes one of the following forms.




Deletes any files (including Save files) in the libraries that match the mask.

DELETE logical-name=FILE

Deletes any files (including Save files) in the current directory (library) that match the mask.


Deletes any members where the library, file, and member portions of their fully qualified names match the appropriate elements of the mask.

DELETE logical-name=FILE(MEMBER)

Deletes any members in the current directory whose file and member portions of their fully qualified names match the appropriate elements of the mask.

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