AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER - UAG configuration option

AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER - UAG configuration option


The AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option specifies whether or not automatic failover is used. 

Automatic failover allows a Secondary agent to become the Primary agent when the original Primary agent ends.





HP NonStop




Configuration File Keyword

automatic_failover usage



usage is the specification for when automatic failover is used.

Valid values:

  • never
    Automatic failover will not  occur. Manual failover is still available.
  • always_primary
    For agents configured as Primary agents only. This agent should always be Primary. If another Primary agent is active when this agent starts, that agent will become a Secondary agent. If this agent cannot be a Primary  agent, it will shut down.
  • primary_secondary
    For agents configured as Primary agents only. This agent will try to start as a Primary agent. If another Primary agent is already active, this agent will become a Secondary agent. It becomes first in the ranking to become Primary during failover.
  • secondary_primary[n]
    For agents configured as Secondary agents only: This agent will start as a Secondary agent. When the Primary agent ends, this agent is eligible to become the Primary agent.
    • An optional integer [n] controls the ranking of multiple Secondary agents during failover. A lower number means a higher priority in the failover ranking.
    • When multiple agents have the same ranking, the agent that started earliest will be considered to have a higher ranking.
    • Default for [n] is 1. The range is 1-32.

Default is never.

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