Universal Connector for SAP for Windows

Universal Connector for SAP for Windows


This information is specific to Universal Connector for SAP (USAP) for Windows-based operating systems.


Universal Connector for SAP for Windows executes as a command line application.

Each command line execution contains:

  1. Universal Connector for SAP command (and argument).
  2. Configuration options associated with that command.
  3. Configuration options (required and optional) not associated with any specific command.

Each execution of Universal Connector performs an operation specified by the command. The configuration options describe information / actions for that operation.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of Universal Connector for SAP for Windows.

Names enclosed in {BRACES} identify command groups. For each execution, a single command is specified from one of these groups. One or more configuration options associated with each command also can be used to specify additional information / actions for the execution. See Universal Connector for SAP Commands for detailed information on the commands, and their associated configuration options, in each command group.

Names enclosed in [BRACKETS] identify categories of configuration options that are not associated with specific commands and from which options are not required.

Names not enclosed in {BRACES} or [BRACKETS] identify categories of configuration options that are not associated with specific commands but from which one or more options are required.

See Universal Connector for SAP Configuration Options for Program Execution for detailed information on configuration options not associated with one or more commands.


The following is an example of a command line syntax executing Universal Connector for SAP:

usap -sub file.usp -immediate-client  987 -dest BIN_HS0092 -userid 123 -pwd ABC - lang english -level info

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