Universal Command Agent for SOA - Component Configuration

Universal Command Agent for SOA - Component Configuration

Configuration File

A configuration file provides the simplest method of specifying configuration option values that will not change with each command invocation. For Universal Command Agent for SOA, a configuration file is the only method of specifying configuration values.

The Universal Command Agent for SOA configuration file is named uacs.conf. This file can be edited manually with any text editor.

Universal Configuration Manager

Although configuration files can be edited with any text editor (for example, Notepad), the Universal Configuration Manager application, accessible via the Control Panel, is the recommended way to set Universal Command Agent for SOA for Windows configuration options.

Universal Configuration Manager is a Universal Agent graphical user interface application that enables you to configure all of the Universal Agent components that have been installed on a Windows operating system.

It is the recommended method of specifying configuration data that will not change with each command invocation. Universal Configuration Manager helps protect the integrity of the configuration file by validating all changes to configuration option values.

Configuration Options

The following table identifies all of the Universal Command Agent for SOA configuration options. Each Option Name is a link to detailed information about that option.

Option Name



Specification for whether or not product activity monitoring events are generated.


Character code page used to translate text data received and transmitted over the network.


Events to be generated as persistent events.


Location in which the Universal Application Container Server is installed.


Level of messages written.


Location of an MQ Client Channel Definition Table (CCDT) that can be used to establish client connections to remote MQ queue managers.


Port number or service name on which Universal Application Container will listen for service requests from the Universal Application Container Server.

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