Universal Encrypt

Universal Encrypt

Universal Encrypt

Universal Agent programs have the ability to read command line options contained in command files. Command files that contain private information must be protected by using local file system security. This ensures that only authorized accounts have read access.

The Universal Encrypt (UENCRYPT) utility adds an additional layer of security by encrypting the contents of command files into an unintelligible format.

Although all command line options can be encrypted with the Universal Encrypt utility, most organizations use it to encrypt and store authentication credentials such as user ID and/or password.

An encrypted command file can be decrypted only by Stonebranch product programs. No decrypt command is provided to decrypt the command file.


Universal Encrypt should not be used as a replacement for file system security.


Universal Encrypt reads a command file from its standard input and writes an encrypted command file to its standard output.

The encrypted command file is a text file that can be used on any operating system by any Universal Agent component. Lines starting with a hash ( # ) character in column one are comments; blank lines are ignored.

Universal Encrypt performs operations specified by the command options.

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for Universal Encrypt:

Universal Encrypt Examples

See Encryption - Examples in the Universal Agent 7.2.x Reference Guide for examples of how to encrypt files using Universal Encrypt.

Universal Broker Key Store

During installation, you can request the generation of an encryption key, which is stored in a Universal Broker key store.

If a Universal Agent component wants to use this encryption key, it requests it from the Universal Broker.

For detailed information on encryption keys and the key store, see Universal Broker Key Store.

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