Universal Submit Job from zOS to IBM i

Universal Submit Job from zOS to IBM i

Universal Submit Job from z/OS to IBM i

The following figure illustrates the issuing of a command to the remote IBM i as a parameter of the USBMJOB.

//S1 EXEC UCMDPRC                
//UNVOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                 
//UNVERR   DD SYSOUT=*                 
  ADDLIBLE lib(UNVPRD510)               
  UNVPRD510/USBMJOB CMD(dsplib tuser1)  
//SYSIN   DD *                         
  -script SCRIPT                             
  -host as400 -userid tuser1 -pwd tuser1       

This Universal Command Manager executes the script to a host called as400. UserID of tuser1 and password of tuser1 are used for authentication.

The script runs with the authority of UserID tuser1. The first line of the script adds the library UNVPRD510 to the library concatenation of user tuser1. The second line executes the command dsplib tuser1 with the USBMJOB utility.

All output created by the command will be spooled to stdout of the manager job.

SYSIN Options




DD from which to read a script file. The script file is sent to the remote system for execution.


Directs the command to a computer with a host name of as400.


Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the remote user ID.


The USBMJOB option used in this example is:




Command that runs in the submitted batch job. The command can be a maximum of 3000 characters.


Universal Command Manager for IBM i

Universal Submit Job

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