Using Manager Fault Tolerance from zOS

Using Manager Fault Tolerance from zOS

Using Manager Fault Tolerance from z/OS

This example demonstrates using the Manager Fault Tolerant (MFT) feature of UCMD.

The UCMD Manager will execute until the work being executed remotely ends. If the UCMD Manager would end prematurely (for example, if it was canceled), the UCMD Server would also end and, in the process, terminate the work it was executing on behalf of the Manager. If MFT is used, the UCMD Manager can end and the UCMD Server will continue to execute until the work completes.

MFT requires that the UCMD Server is configured to allow for spooling of standard I/O files. The UCMD Server option to use for this configuration is ALLOW_SPOOLING. Its default value is no; it must be set to yes.

A UCMD Manager specifies the use of MFT by setting the -managerft option (MANAGER_FAULT_TOLERANT) to a value of yes. Additionally, MFT requires a command identifier that uniquely identifies the work to be executed on the remote system. The command ID is a text value of your choosing. An example command ID is example-2010-07-02 or it could be automatically generated for you by UCMD Manager. In either case, if the Manager prematurely ends, the command ID will be required to restart the Manager and complete the work executed on the remote system.

-cmd    command 
-host   hostname 
-userid username -pwd password
-managerft yes  -cmdid  example-2010-07-02

See Fault Tolerance Implementation for complete details on the Manager Fault Tolerant feature.

SYSIN Options

The SYSIN options used in this example are:




Command to execute on the remote system.


Host name or IP address of the remote system on which to execute the script.


Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Specification for whether or not the Manager Fault Tolerance (MFT) feature is used. A value of yes specifies that MFT should be used.


Unique command ID associated with the remote unit of work.


Universal Command Manager for z/OS


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