DEFINITION_FILE - UEMLoad configuration option

DEFINITION_FILE - UEMLoad configuration option


The DEFINITION_FILE option specifies a file that is either read from or written to, depending on the value of the ACTION option:

  • If ACTION specifies -add, -update, or -delete, DEFINITION_FILE specifies the path to a text file that contains the parameters for one or more event definition and/or event handler records.
  • If ACTION specifies -export, DEFINITION_FILE specifies the path to a text file to which the contents of the event definition and event handler records (requested using the EVENT_ID and HANDLER_ID options, respectively) are written.


A database export is the only situation in which DEFINITION_FILE and the EVENT_ID and/or HANDLER_ID options can be specified together. DEFINITION_FILE is ignored if ACTION specifies -list.

When parameters for more than one event definition or event handler record are specified in a definition file, certain keywords are required to mark the beginning and ending of each record. These keywords, along with other rules specific to definition files, are described in Definition File Format - UNIX and Definition File Format - Windows.


Specification Method

Parameter / Value


HP NonStop




Command Line, Short Form


Command Line, Long Form

-deffile filename



Definition File Keyword



filename is the file to be written to or read from.

Valid values contain either:

  • Complete path
  • Path that is relative to the directory from which the UEMLoad utility is invoked