Tutorial - Aborting a Process Launched by a Task

You can use an Abort Actions to instruct Universal Controller to abort a process under certain conditions. For example, you may want to abort a task if it is running too long.

In this tutorial, we will set a Timer task to run for 60 seconds and specify an Abort Action when the task runs 45 seconds.

Step 1

Open the Timer1 task created in the Creating a Simple Workflow tutorial and enter / select the following values:

Step 2

Click the Actions tab to display the Actions list.

Step 3

Click Abort Action to display the Abort Action list.

Step 4

Click New to display Abort Action Details for a new Abort action, enable On Late Finish, and click Save.

Step 5

Click the Timer Task tab and then click the Update button.

Step 6

Right-click Timer1 in the Timers Tasks list and click Launch Task.

Step 7

Navigate to the Activity Monitor and verify that after running for 45 seconds, the task instance status changes from Running to Finished.

Step 8

Open the task instance Details and note the status description indicates:


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