Tutorial - Creating a Simple Workflow

Tutorial - Creating a Simple Workflow


In this tutorial, we will learn how to copy tasks, create a simple Workflow of Timer tasks, and use the tools available in the Workflow Editor.

Create and Copy Tasks

Create a Timer task and make five copies for use in the Workflow. Use the names Timer1 through Timer6, and assign each task a time of 10 seconds.


You can copy tasks using different methods. One method is provided below.

Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > Timer Tasks. The Timer Tasks list displays.

Step 2

In the Timer Task Details below the list, create Timer1 and click Save.

Step 3

Change the Task Name from Timer1 to Timer2, right-click the Details to display an Action menu, and click Insert to make a copy of the Timer1 task named Timer2.

Step 4

Repeat Step 3 for Timer3 through Timer6.

Creating a Simple Workflow

Now that we have six Timer tasks, we are ready to create a simple workflow.

(See Creating and Maintaining Workflows for detailed information on the tools and icons used in this procedure.)

Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > Workflow Tasks. The Workflow Tasks List displays.

Step 2

In the Workflow Task Details below the list, enter Simple Workflow in the Task Name field and then click the Save button.

Step 3

Right-click Simple Workflow in the Workflow Tasks list and click Edit Workflow in the Actions menu to display the Workflow Editor.

By default, the Workflow Editor displays in Select mode, which lets you select tasks for the Workflow.
(See Workflow Editor Icons for a description of each icon on the toolbar.)

Step 4

Click the Add Task icon. The Task Find pop-up dialog displays.

Step 5

Select Timer in the drop-down list and click the Search button. A list of all Timer tasks displays.

Step 6

Drag and drop the icon for Timer1 onto the Workflow Editor canvas, and repeat for Timer2 through Timer6.

Step 7

Close the Task Find pop-up dialog.

Step 8

Click and drag the tasks so that Timer1 is at the top of the canvas; Timer2, Timer3, and Timer4 are below Timer1; and Timer 5 and Timer6 are below Timer2, Timer3, and Timer4.

Step 9

Click a Connect Icon to connect the tasks so that Timer1 is the top-level predecessor task; Timer2, Timer3, and Timer4 are successor tasks to Timer1; and Timer5 and Timer6 are successor tasks to Timer3.

Step 10

The default condition (or dependency) for connectors is Success. That is, a successor task runs if its predecessor task goes to Success. To view the conditions for a successor task, right-click the connector between it and its predecessor task, and then click Conditions. The Conditions pop-up displays.



Since a Timer task cannot go to Failure, the Failure and Success/Failure conditions are grayed out.

Step 11

Click the Cancel button on the Conditions pop-up, and then click the Save icon in the Workflow Editor task bar to save the Workflow.

Running the Workflow

Now we will manually launch the Workflow and view it from the Activity Monitor.

Step 1

Right-click anywhere in the Workflow Editor canvas and, on the pop-up menu that displays, click Launch Workflow.

Step 2

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Task Instances > Activity. You will see six task instances: the Simple Workflow task, and the six Timer tasks.

For additional information, see:

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