

System Details Widget

The System Details widget displays Universal Controller system information in the following categories:

  • Cluster Node
  • Release
  • Memory
  • License
  • Database

The License category has been enhanced to display:


For details on all Universal Agent license information, see Universal Agent Licensing.

System Details Widget Categories

This new design has the following categories, along with their respective attributes, defined within the widget.

  • Cluster Node { Node Mode }
    • Node Id
    • Node Mode
    • Node Uptime
    • Node Time
  • Release Release Build }
    • Release
    • Build
    • Build Date
  • Memory { Memory Used / Memory Maximum }
    • Memory Maximum
    • Memory Used
    • Memory Free
  • License { Customer }
    • Expiry Date 
    • Cluster Nodes
    • Distributed Agents
    • z/OS Agents
    • Tasks
    • Monthly Executions
    • UPPS
    • USAP
    • UPPS Connections
    • USAP Connections
    • JMS
    • IBM WebSphere MQ
    • SOAP
    • XD SOAP
    • HTTP
    • Customer
  • Database { Database Type }
    • Database Type
    • Database Name
    • Database URL
    • Database Connections

By default, all categories will be collapsed with the exception of the Cluster Node category.

While the dashboard remains open, any change to the expanded categories will be preserved between widget/dashboard refreshes.

To change the category expansion default, see the System Details Expanded Categories Universal Controller system property.


Clicking the License category bar chart icon runs the UAC - Licensed Monthly Task Instance Executions built-in system report.

Flagged Categories

If an attribute under a category is flagged, the category will be expanded automatically and appear in red. Likewise, the flagged attribute will also appear in red.

For example:

The following attributes can be flagged.

Cluster NodeNode ModeFlagged when this cluster node is Unlicensed.
MemoryMemory UsedFlagged when percentage of memory used is greater than or equal to 90%.
LicenseLicensing#Expiry DateFlagged when current date is past the expiry date.
LicenseDistributed AgentsFlagged when number of registered distributed agents (Windows/Linux) exceeds licensed distributed agents.
Licensez/OS AgentsFlagged when number of registered z/OS agents exceeds licensed z/OS distributed agents.
LicenseLicensing#TasksFlagged when number of task definitions exceeds licensed number of tasks.
LicenseLicensing#Monthly ExecutionsFlagged when number of monthly task instance executions exceeds licensed number of monthly executions.
LicenseLicensing#Cluster NodesFlagged when number of registered cluster nodes exceeds licensed number of cluster nodes.

Expiry Date

The license has an explicit expiry date, regardless of when the license is applied.

In prior releases, the expiry date was always based on the number of days relative from the date the license was applied.

Distributed Agents and z/OS Agents

Distributed Agents (Windows, Linux/Unix) and z/OS Agents are licensed separately.

A z/OS agent with secondary Agents requires a license for the primary Agent and one license for each secondary Agent.

In prior releases, agents were licensed under a single Agents component.

For information on how licenses are migrated from a prior release, see Product Licensing in the Universal Controller Release Notes.


The Controller license can enforce a fixed number of Task definitions or allow an Unlimited number of Task definitions.

Number of Monthly Executions

The Controller is licensed by the number of monthly executions; specifically, the number of task instances that run to Success or Finished over a period of one month.

The following task types are excluded from the monthly execution count.

  • Workflow
  • Timer
  • Agent File Monitor
  • Manual
  • Remote File Monitor
  • Task Monitor
  • System Monitor
  • Application Control
  • Variable Monitor
  • Email Monitor


Universal Monitors also are excluded from Monthly Executions.

The Type filter for the following built-in reports were updated.

  • UAC - Licensed Monthly Task Instance Executions

  • UAC - Completed Task Counts : Grouped by Month

  • UAC - Completed Task Counts : Grouped by Month / Stacked by Type

Extension-based Universal Tasks that are Launched by a Universal Monitor as a configured Universal Task Publisher will be excluded from license instance history collection using the Launch Source. These instances will have a Launch Source of Universal Monitor or Universal Monitor Trigger.

The Controller will capture execution statistics on a daily basis, commencing immediately after midnight in the server timezone, and store those statistics in the License Instance History (ops_license_exec_history) table.

If you are licensed for an Unlimited number of monthly executions, then there is no limit on the number of task instances you can run.

High Availability Licensed Cluster Nodes

When a Universal Controller has restrictions on the Cluster Nodes within its License, the following behavior may be experienced when a new or existing Cluster Node is started up:

Number of Nodes within the Licensed Amount (No Violation)

If a new Cluster Node starts up and adding this new Cluster Node will not violate the License:

  • The usual process occurs where the Cluster Node is created and starts up as Passive.

If an existing Cluster Node starts up and the License is not in violation with respect to Cluster Nodes:

  • The usual process takes place with the Cluster Node starting up as Passive.

Number of Nodes exceeds or will exceed the Licensed Amount (Violation)

If a new Cluster Node starts up and adding this new Cluster Node will violate the License, or the License is already in violation for Cluster Nodes:

  • The new Cluster Node will be added but it will run as a new status of "Unlicensed".

If an existing Cluster Node starts up and there are more Cluster Nodes than the License allows; that is, the License already is in violation for Cluster Nodes:

  • A count of running Cluster Nodes is taken:

    • If the number of running Cluster Nodes is less than the licensed amount, the Cluster Node starts up normally as Passive.

    • If the number of running Cluster Nodes exceeds the licensed amount, the Cluster Node starts up as Unlicensed.

Unlicensed Node Processing

When a Cluster Node starts up as Unlicensed, it can only transition out of this mode for the following conditions:

  • A new License is applied to the system that no longer makes the amount of Cluster Nodes in violation of the License.
  • Deletion of Cluster Node(s) occurs, thereby removing the Cluster Node violation of the License.

A user can connect to an Unlicensed Cluster Node from the User Interface; however, limited interaction is allowed:

  • Activity Monitoring is not allowed.


  • Commands are not allowed to be executed.


  • Create/Update/Delete are NOT allowed of Tasks/Triggers/Calendars/Custom Days/.....
  • Cluster Nodes can be deleted (as long as they are marked offline, as usual).
  • Properties can be updated, in order to allow a new license to be applied.

Unlicensed Node UI

The Cluster Node Status widget will show Unlicensed Cluster Nodes as seen below:

Cluster Node List:

When connected to an Unlicensed Cluster Node, The License under the System Details will recognize it as:

Universal Connector for PeopleSoft

The License will have a new boolean (True/False) attribute for Universal Connector for PeopleSoft (UPPS) to control whether or not UPPS is allowed.

The following will be prohibited if not licensed for UPPS:

  1. Creating PeopleSoft Connections.
  2. Executing PeopleSoft Task Instances.

PeopleSoft Connections

Creating a new PeopleSoft Connection will only be allowed if licensed for UPPS.

The following error message will be logged if not licensed for UPPS.

PeopleSoft Connection cannot be created because of License restriction.

If system notifications are enabled, a license notification email also will be sent with the following message in the email body.

Universal Controller node 'localhost:8080-uc' is not licensed for UPPS.
User 'ops.admin' was prohibited from creating PeopleSoft Connection 'PPSC1'.
Please contact Stonebranch customer support.


  • PeopleSoft Connections will not be hidden in the UI if not licensed for UPPS.
  • Creating PeopleSoft Connections will not be prohibited by Promotion, List Import, or Bulk Import.

PeopleSoft Task Instances

Creating new PeopleSoft Tasks will not be prohibited if not licensed for UPPS.  Likewise, launching a PeopleSoft Task will not be prohibited; however, PeopleSoft Task Instances will transition to a Start Failure Status with the following Status Description:

Execution prohibited due to License restriction.

If system notifications are enabled, a license notification email also will be sent with the following message in the email body.

Universal Controller node 'localhost:8888-uc' is not licensed for UPPS.
Execution of PeopleSoft task instance 'PPST1' was prohibited.
Please contact Stonebranch customer support.


PeopleSoft Tasks/Task Instances will not be hidden in the UI if not licensed for UPPS.

Universal Connector for SAP

The License will have a new boolean (True/False) attribute for Universal Connector for SAP (USAP) to control whether or not USAP is allowed.

The following will be prohibited if not licensed for USAP:

  1. Creating SAP Connections.
  2. Executing SAP Task Instances.

SAP Connections

Creating a new SAP Connection will only be allowed if licensed for USAP.

The following error message will be logged if not licensed for USAP.

SAP Connection cannot be created because of License restriction.

If system notifications are enabled, a license notification email also will be sent with the following message in the email body.

Universal Controller node 'localhost:8080-uc' is not licensed for USAP.
User 'ops.admin' was prohibited from creating SAP Connection 'SAPC1'.
Please contact Stonebranch customer support.


  • SAP Connections will not be hidden in the UI if not licensed for USAP.
  • Creating SAP Connections will not be prohibited by Promotion, List Import, or Bulk Import.

SAP Task Instances

Creating new SAP Tasks will not be prohibited if not licensed for USAP.  Likewise, launching an SAP Task will not be prohibited; however, SAP Task Instances will transition to a Start Failure Status with the following Status Description:

Execution prohibited due to License restriction.

If system notifications are enabled, a license notification email also will be sent with the following message in the email body.

Universal Controller node 'localhost:8080-uc' is not licensed for USAP.
Execution of SAP task instance 'SAPT1' was prohibited.
Please contact Stonebranch customer support.


SAP Tasks/Task Instances will not be hidden in the UI if not licensed for USAP.


A new built-in reportUAC - Licensed Monthly Task Instance Executions, visually display the number of monthly executions.

The report is driven by data in the License Instance History (ops_license_exec_history) table, which also is available as a Table for selection for custom-built reports.

The report shows the average number of monthly executions, and the licensed number of monthly executions if not Unlimited, as shown in the following example.

Furthermore, when viewing the report definition, the Show Threshold, Threshold Color, Threshold Value, and Threshold Label will be dynamically populated with values in-line with the applied license.

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