Tutorial - Skipping, Unskipping, and Showing-Hiding Skipped Task Instances

You can skip (and unskip) individual task instances and task instances within a workflow that have been launched but have not yet started to run. For skipped tasks within a workflow, you can choose to show or hide those tasks in the Workflow Monitor.

You also can skip a task instance so that all dependent task instances of that task instance automatically are skipped as well.

Although there are several methods for skipping, unskipping, and showing/hiding skipped task instances, in this exercise we will:

  • Skip a task instance in a workflow.
  • Unskip a previously skipped task instance in a workflow.
  • Show and hide a skipped task instance in a workflow.


There also are methods for skipping a task and showing/hiding a skipped task before it becomes a task instance (that is, before it or the workflow in which it resides has been launched). See the links at the bottom of this page.


Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > Workflow Tasks. The Workflow Tasks list displays a list of all workflow tasks.

Step 2

Right-click Simple Workflow (created in the Creating a Simple Workflow tutorial), and on the Action menu, click Launch Task.

Step 3

On the Activity Monitor, select Active Workflow Task Instances from the drop-down list.

Step 4

Click Simple Workflow. The Workflow Monitor displays for this running workflow.

Step 5

Right-click the Sleep3 task while it is in Waiting status and, from the pop-up menu that displays, click Commands / Skip.


If you wanted to skip the Sleep3 task and its dependent Sleep5 and Sleep6 tasks, you would click Commands / Skip Path.


The Sleep3 status changes from Waiting to Skipped. When Sleep1 completes successfully, Universal Controller will skip Sleep3 and start running Sleep5 and Sleep6.

Step 6

To un-skip Sleep3, right-click it and, from the pop-up menu that displays, click Commands / Unskip.

The task status changes from Skipped to Waiting. When Sleep1 completes successfully, the Controller will not skip Sleep3.

Step 7

To hide the skipped Sleep3 task in the Workflow Editor, right-click in the Workflow Monitor canvas and click Hide Skipped.

Step 8

To show the skipped Sleep3 task in the Workflow Monitor, right-click in the Workflow Editor canvas and click Show Skipped/Restore.

For additional information, see: