Promotion History and the Restore Option

Promotion History and the Restore Option


The Controller creates a Promotion History record each time a Bundle (or record) is promoted to a target Controller.

Accessing Promotion History Records

To access a Promotion History record on the target Controller:

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion History. The Promotion History list displays.

Step 2

Click anywhere in the row of a Bundle on the list, or click the icon next to the Bundle Name of a Bundle, to display Promotion History Details for that Bundle.


Step 3

To see a list of all records included in the promoted Bundle, click the Promotion History Items tab.

Step 4

You can restore records to the state they were in before the promotion. This applies only to records being updated by the promotion, not those being created by a promotion. See the field descriptions below for details.

Promotion History Details Field Descriptions

The fields on the Promotion History Details are system-supplied and read-only.

Field Name



This section contains detailed information about the promoted Bundle (or record).

Bundle Name

Name of this record.

Source Node

Machine name or URI of the machine where the source Universal Controller system is running.

Promotion User

User ID of the user who promoted the bundle or record(s).

Can Restore

Specification for whether or not records in the bundle that already existed on the target server can be restored to their state prior to the promotion.


Any promoted Bundle that includes Universal Template changes cannot be restored. The Promotion History for the promotion will be flagged as not restorable. The Universal Template changes will be listed as Promotion History Items with blank New Version, Previous Version, and Source Version fields.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Promotion History Details that let you perform various actions.

Run Report

Generates a one page summary of the contents of the bundle.

Restore Unchanged

For records that already existed on the target server, you can restore them to their state prior to the promotion. The Restore Unchanged button restores only those records that have not been changed since the promotion updated the record. For records that were created on the target machine by the promotion, no changes will occur since no previous version exists. (See Can Restore.)

Restore All

For records that already existed on the target server, you can restore them to their state prior to the promotion. The Restore All button restores all records that were updated by the promotion, including records that were modified since the promotion. For records that were created on the target machine by the promotion, no changes will occur since no previous version exists. (See Can Restore.)


Deletes the current record.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this record.


This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Promotion History Details that provide access to additional information about the promotion.

Promotion History Items

Lists all the records promoted as part of this Bundle. Each record in the list provides the name and type of the record, the latest version number on the target, the previous version number on the target, and the source version number.

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