Debugging Capabilities

Debugging Capabilities


In prior versions (<, debugging Universal Extension tasks was not possible. The best option was to just use print/log statements. Furthermore, launching the task itself requires both the Agent and Controller to be installed. This can be cumbersome for those who want to quickly test some changes.

This tutorial will demonstrate the new functionality added to the VSCode UIP Plugin that allows Extension developers to launch and debug Universal Extension tasks without the need of an Agent or Controller. The section below lists all its capabilities.


The debugging functionality:

  • Makes use of the same Universal Extension Base Class Components that are used by the Agent/Controller
  • Supports the following Universal Extension API Levels:
    • 1.0.0 (released with UA

    • 1.1.0 (released with UA

    • 1.2.0 (released with UA

    • 1.3.0 (released with UA

  • Can simulate the following actions:
    • Launching/Debugging an Extension
    • Launching/Debugging a Dynamic Choice Command
    • Issuing the Cancel command on a running Extension (API Level >1.0.0)
  • Can retrieve and show the output of:
    • STDOUT
    • STDERR
    • Extension (Exit Code, Status Description etc. returned by ExtensionResult())
    • Dynamic Choice Command
    • Output Only Fields
    • Published Events
  • Allows the Extension developer to fully configure the fields received by extension_start() and any Dynamic Choice Command using a YAML file

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