Error when refreshing target agents

Error when refreshing target agents


An error occurs when you click Refresh Target Agents on a Promotion Target record and you are using invalid login credentials for the target Universal Controller instance.

The user interface on source machine will show the following error:

GET http://NN.NNN.NN.N:8080/uc/resources/agents/list returned a response status of 401 Unauthorized

The the Controller log on the source machine will show the following error:

ERROR [http-8080-10] com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: 
GET http:///uc/resources/agents/list returned a response status of 401 Unauthorized"

The target machine will return the following error:

ERROR [http--#] *** ERROR *** Login using Basic Authentication failed for: 


Update the Promotion Target record with valid login credentials and try the promotion again.

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