Promotion Schedules

Promotion Schedules


If you schedule a promotion to be run at a later time on the Promote Bundle... dialog, the Controller creates a record for that promotion.

The Promotion Schedules list identifies all scheduled promotions.

It also lists all scheduled promotions that have completed (where they can be rescheduled to run again) for the number of days specified by the Promotion Schedule Retention Period In Days Universal Controller system property.

Viewing Promotion Schedule Details

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion Schedules. The Promotion Schedules list displays a list of all Bundles that have been scheduled for promotion.

Step 2

Click the Details icon next to a Promotion Schedule in the list, or click anywhere in the Promotion Schedule row, to display Details for that Promotion Schedule.

Although all of the fields in the Promotion Schedule Details display as read-only, you change the values of all fields (except Status and Status Description) by clicking the Reschedule... button (see Modifying and/or Rescheduling a Promotion Schedule, below).
See the field descriptions, below, for details about all fields in the Promotion Schedule Details.

Promotion Schedule Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields and buttons in the Promotion Schedule Details.

Field Name



This section contains detailed information about the scheduled promotion.


Name of the Bundle scheduled for promotion.
You can click the icon next to the Bundle name to view (and edit) the Details for that Bundle.

Scheduled Time

Date and time the bundle is scheduled for promotion.

Scheduled By

User Id of the user that scheduled the promotion of the bundle.


In case of Promotion Failure, the Scheduled By user will be included in the Promotion Failure system notification as an additional recipient in the CC field (if the User Details for that user specifies an email).

Promotion Target

Cluster Node of a Universal Controller to which the Bundle is scheduled for promotion.
You can click the icon next to the Promotion Target name to view (and edit) the Details for that Promotion Target.

Promotion User

User Id of the promotion user that the scheduled promotion will use to promote the bundle.

Promotion Password

Password of the promotion user that the scheduled promotion will use to promote the bundle.

Promotion Personal Access Token

Personal Access Token of the promotion user that the scheduled promotion will use to promote the bundle.

Use Snapshot

Indication of whether or not the promotion is scheduled to be performed using a snapshot of the Bundle records taken at the time the promotion was scheduled.


System-defined; Current status of this Promotion Schedule.

  • Scheduled
  • Cancelled
  • Running
  • Failure
  • Promoted

Status Description

System-defined; Description of the current Status.

System Notification

Options for when a System Notification will be sent.

  • - - None - -
  • Operation Failure
  • Operation Success/Failure
  • Operation Success


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Promotion Schedule Details that let you perform various actions.


Changes a scheduled promotion Status from Scheduled to Cancelled.


Allows you to edit the Promotion Schedule Details (see Modifying and/or Rescheduling a Promotion Schedule, below).


Cancels and deletes the Promotion Schedule; Delete is prohibited while Status is Running.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of these Details.

Modifying and/or Rescheduling a Promotion Schedule

You can modify and/or reschedule a Scheduled, Cancelled, or Failed promotion schedule.

For modifying and/or rescheduling a successfully promoted promotion schedule, see Modifying and/or Rescheduling a Successfully Promoted Promotion Schedule.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion Schedules. The Promotion Schedules list displays a list of all Bundles that have been scheduled for promotion.

Step 2

Display an action menu for a Promotion Schedule and click Reschedule..., or open a Promotion Schedule record and either:

The Reschedule... pop-up dialog displays.

By default, the following Details for the cancelled Promotion Schedule are changed on the Reschedule... pop-up dialog when it displays:

  • Date is reset to the current date.
  • Time is reset to 00:00.
    The Reschedule... pop-up dialog will prompt for the User/Password or Personal Access Token fields if the promotion was originally scheduled with the Override Credentials option, or if the Promotion Target does not have a default User and/or Password defined if Authentication Method is Basic; or does not have a Personal Access Token defined if Authentication Method is Access Token.

Step 3

Enter / reenter new specifications for the Promotion Schedule.

Step 4

Click the Submit button to apply your re-scheduling changes to the Promotion Schedule.
The status of the Promotion Schedule automatically changes to Scheduled (or remains in the Scheduled status) when you submit rescheduling changes.

Modifying and/or Rescheduling a Successfully Promoted Promotion Schedule

You can modify and/or reschedule a successfully promoted promotion schedule only if the promotion schedule was specified to use a snapshot.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion Schedules. The Promotion Schedules list displays a list of all Bundles that have been scheduled for promotion.
You can identify successfully promoted snapshot Bundles by the following columns on the list:

  • Status = Promoted
  • Use Snapshot = Yes

Step 2

Display an action menu for a Promotion Schedule on the list and click Reschedule..., or open the Promotion Schedule and either:

A confirmation pop-up displays. For example:

Step 3

Click OK to confirm that you want to re-promote the selected snapshot Bundle. The Reschedule... pop-up dialog displays:

By default, the following Details for the Promotion Schedule are changed on the Reschedule... pop-up dialog when it displays:

  • Date is reset to the current date.
  • Time is reset to 00:00.
    The Reschedule... pop-up dialog will prompt for the User/Password or Personal Access Token fields if the promotion was originally scheduled with the Override Credentials option, or if the Promotion Target does not have a default User and/or Password defined if Authentication Method is Basic; or does not have a Personal Access Token defined if Authentication Method is Access Token.

Step 4

Enter / reenter new specifications for the Promotion Schedule.

Step 5

Click the Submit button to apply your re-scheduling changes to the Promotion Schedule.
The status of the Promotion Schedule automatically changes from Promoted to Scheduled when you submit rescheduling changes.

Cancelling a Promotion Schedule

You can cancel a Promotion Schedule without deleting its Promotion Schedule record.

Cancelled Promotion Schedule records will continue to be listed on the Promotion Schedules list.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Promotion Schedules. The Promotion Schedules list displays a list of all Bundles that have been scheduled for promotion.

Step 2

Display an action menu for a Promotion Schedule on the list and click Cancel, or open the Promotion Schedule and either:

  • Click the Cancel button.
  • Display an action menu for the Promotion Schedule and click Cancel.

The Status of the Promotion Schedule in the Promotion Schedule list will change from Scheduled to Cancelled, and a Status Description for that cancelled Promotion Schedule will display.

To reschedule a Cancelled Promotion Schedule, see Modifying and/or Rescheduling a Promotion Schedule.

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