dynamic_command Fields Code Completion

dynamic_command Fields Code Completion


On this page, we will cover the following:

  1. Showing the dynamic command specific fields.
  2. Adding a new SAP Connection field and showing the update code completion menu.

1 - Showing the dynamic command specific fields

The GIF above shows the code completion menu when using the dynamic_command decorator. Notice that relevant information such as Supported Statuses, Timeout, Execution Option, and Asynchronous is also shown.

The sample_outprc_dynamic_cmd does not depend on any fields, which is why typing fields[ results in zero suggestions.

2 - Adding a new SAP Connection field and showing the update code completion menu.

Let's add a new SAP Connection field and add it as a dependent field of sample_outprc_dynamic_cmd to demonstrate:

  • The code completion is responsive to changes in template.json.
  • The code completion menu specific to a SAP Connection type field.

Go ahead and add a new SAP connection field as shown below:

Add the new field as a dependency of sample_outprc_dynamic_cmd:

Execute UIP: Pull to update the local template.json.

Assuming the local template has been updated, typing fields[will now show the new sample_sap_connection field:

Additionally, as shown above, the specific component parts (e.g. sap_ashost, sap_client, sap_connection_type etc.) of a SAP Connection field can be accessed by typing a second [ following fields["sample_sap_connection"]

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