Variables and functions can be used in free-text fields within tasks and workflows. When a variable or function is specified in a free-text field, the Controller inserts its value into the field when the task or workflow is run.
Also, triggers can pass variables and functions into the tasks and workflows they launch.
Universal Controller supports a number of functions that can be specified in free-text fields. They are resolved when a task instance runs or when a Set Variable action containing a function is executed.
Functions are entered using the following formats:
${_function(arg1, ..., argN)}
- Functions must be written either:
- In all lower-case characters.
- Exactly as shown in the tables on this page.
- Functions have zero, one, or multiple parameters.
- Each function parameter is one of three specific types:
- String parameters must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
- Integer and Boolean parameters can be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
- Optional parameters are identified on this page by being enclosed in [square brackets]. When copying a function from the documentation, be sure to remove the square brackets; otherwise, the function will not resolve.
- If a function has more than one optional parameter, any optional parameters preceding a specified optional parameter must be included in the function's parameter list. For example:
- For function
, usage ${_responseJsonPath('.outputData','','',true)}
would be valid, whereas ${_responseJsonPath('.outputData',,,true)}
would not be valid. - For function
${_formatDate(['date_time', 'format', day_offset, use_business_days, hour_offset, minute_offset, timezone])}
, usage ${_formatDate('2018-09-01','',0,true)}
would be valid, whereas ${_formatDate('2018-09-01','',,true)}
would not be valid.
- All functions allow nesting to two levels. That is, a function can be an argument to another function, which itself can be an argument to another function.
- You must use a double underscore preceding the name of a first-level nested function.
- You must use a triple underscore preceding the name of a second-level nested function.
For example, for 2nd day of next month less one Business Day:
Function Categories
Functions are listed alphabetically within the following categories on this page:
Conditional Functions
Return Conditional Value Depending on Equality of String Parameters
Description | Returns a conditional value depending on the equality of two string parameters. (Returns if_value if string value1 is equal to string value2 ; otherwise, else_value is returned.) |
Syntax | ${_ifEqual('value1', 'value2', 'if_value', 'else_value'[, ignore_case]) }
Parameters | value1 Required; First string.value2 Required; Second string.if_value Required; Return value if value1 equals value2 .else_value Required; Return value if value1 does not equal value2 .ignore_case Optional; Specification (true or false) whether or not to ignore case when comparing value1 and value2 . Default is false.
Examples |
${_ifEqual('abc','def','YES','NO')} → NO
${_ifEqual('abc','ABC','YES','NO',true)} → YES ${_ifEqual('2015-08-15','${__date('yyyy-MM-dd')}','17:00','18:00')} → 18:00
Return Conditional Value Depending on Value of Boolean Parameter
Description | Returns a conditional value depending on the value of a boolean parameter. Returns if_value if value is true; otherwise, else_value is returned. |
Syntax | ${_ifTrue(value, 'if_value', 'else_value') }
Parameters | value Required; Boolean value (true or false).if_value Required; Return value if value is true.else_value Required; Return value if value is false.
Example |
${_ifTrue(${__isToday('Mon', 'E')},'20:00','22:00')} → 22:00
Credential Functions
Return Key Location of a Credential
Description | Returns a token representing the Resolvable Credentials Key Location that you want to embed. |
Syntax | ${_credentialKeyLoc('<credential_name>') }
Parameters | credential_name Required; Name of the Credential.
Example |
${_credentialKeyLoc('RCredentialXYZ')} → $(ops_unv_cred_key_loc_c89e7b2caf4247909bc46041df8a2643)
Return Passphrase of a Credential
Description | Returns a token representing the Resolvable Credentials Passphrase that you want to embed. |
Syntax | ${_credentialPassphrase('<credential_name>') }
Parameters | credential_name Required; Name of the Credential.
Example |
${_credentialPassphrase('RCredentialXYZ')} → $(ops_unv_cred_passphrase_c89e7b2caf4247909bc46041df8a2643)
Return Token of a Credential
Description | Returns a token representing the Resolvable Credentials Token that you want to embed. |
Syntax | ${_credentialToken('<credential_name>') }
Parameters | credential_name Required; Name of the Credential.
Example |
${_credentialToken('RCredentialXYZ')} → $(ops_unv_cred_token_c89e7b2caf4247909bc46041df8a264)
Return User Name of a Credential
Description | Returns a token representing the Resolvable Credentials Runtime User that you want to embed. |
Syntax | ${_credentialUser('<credential_name>') }
Parameters | credential_name Required; Name of the Credential.
Example |
${_credentialUser('RCredentialXYZ')} → $(ops_unv_cred_user_c89e7b2caf4247909bc46041df8a2643)
Return User Password of a Credential
Description | Returns a token representing the Resolvable Credentials Runtime Password that you want to embed. |
Syntax | ${_credentialPwd('<credential_name>') }
Parameters | credential_name Required; Name of the Credential.
Example |
${_credentialPwd('RCredentialXYZ')} → $(ops_unv_cred_pwd_c89e7b2caf4247909bc46041df8a2643)
Database Connection Functions
Returns Property of a Database Connection
Description | Returns a token representing the property associated with a Database connection. |
Syntax | ${_databaseConnection('<database_connection_name>', '<property_name>') }
Parameters | |
Example |
${_databaseConnection('db1', 'type')} → $(ops_unv_db_connection_type_3ac17d7f3ecb4df0b81aec9c7a24a38c)
Date Functions
Checks if Date Argument Equals Today's Date
Description | Checks if a date argument is equal to today's date in the specified format. Returns true if date is equal to today's date in the specified format; otherwise, false is returned. |
Syntax | ${_isToday('date'[, 'format', is_relative]) }
Parameters | date Required; Date to compare to today's date.format Optional; Format of today's date. Default is yyyy-MM-dd.is_relative Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether today's date is relative to the trigger/launch time of the task instance. Default is false.
Examples |
${_isToday('Wed', 'E')} → true ${_isToday('${__dayOfMonth(1,'','',true)}')} → false
Resolve to Current Date and Time
Description | Resolves to the current date and time. |
Syntax | ${_date(['format', day_offset, hour_offset, minute_offset]) }
Parameters | |
Examples |
${_date} → 2024-10-16 07:26:34 -0700 ${_date()} → 2024-10-16 07:27:21 -0700 ${_date('yyyy-MM-dd', 5)} → 2024-10-21 ${_date('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', -2, -1)} → 2024-10-14 06:30:04 ${_date('', 0, 0, 10)} → 2024-10-16 07:40:28 -0700
Resolve to Current Date and Time (Advanced)
Description | Resolves to the current date and time. |
Syntax | ${_dateadv(['format', year_offset, month_offset, day_offset, hour_offset, minute_offset]) }
Parameters | format Date format. Default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z. For details on the format parameter, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.htmlyear_offset Optional; +/- number of years to offset.month_offset Optional; +/- number of months to offset.day_offset Optional; +/- number of days to offset.hour_offset Optional; +/- number of hours to offset.minute_offset Optional; +/- number of minutes to offset.
Examples |
${_dateadv} → 2024-10-16 07:31:58 -0700 ${_dateadv('yyyy-MMM', -1)} → 2023-Oct ${_dateadv('yyyy-MMM', 0, -1)} → 2024-Sep
Resolve to Current Unix Epoch Time
Description | Resolves to the current time in milliseconds since Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST) – the start of Unix epoch time. |
Syntax | ${_currentTimeMillis}
Parameters | n/a |
Example |
${_currentTimeMillis} → 1729089236350
Return Date with Offsets
Description | Returns the date after applying offsets. Optionally, can specify the output format. |
Syntax | ${_formatDate(['date_time', 'format', day_offset, use_business_days, hour_offset, minute_offset, timezone]) }
Parameters | date_time Date and time in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Default is the current date and time.format Format of returned date. If date_time specifies a time, the default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm; otherwise, the default format is yyyy-MM-dd. For details on the format parameter, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.htmlday_offset +/- number of days to offset.use_business_days Specification (true or false ) for whether day_offset is for business days. Default is false.hour_offset +/- number of hours to offset.minute_offset +/- number of minutes to offset.timezone Time Zone that the date is formatted in.
Example |
${_formatDate} → 2018-08-24 15:37 ${_formatDate()} → 2018-08-24 15:37 ${_formatDate('','MMddyyyy',5)} → 08292018 ${_formatDate('2018-09-01','',5)} → 2018-09-06 ${_formatDate('2018-09-01','',-5)} → 2018-08-27 ${_formatDate('2018-10-13 12:13:14 -0400','',5,true,0,0,'Australia/Sydney')} → 2018-10-14 03:13:14 +1100
Return Date with Offsets (Advanced)
Description | Returns the date after applying offsets. Optionally, can specify the output format. |
Syntax | ${_formatDateAdv(['date_time', 'format', year_offset, month_offset, day_offset, use_business_days, hour_offset, minute_offset, timezone]) }
Parameters | date_time Date and time in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Default is the current date and time.format Format of returned date. If date_time specifies a time, the default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm; otherwise, the default format is yyyy-MM-dd. For details on the format parameter, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.htmlyear_offset Optional; +/- number of years to offset.month_offset Optional; +/- number of months to offset.day_offset Optional; +/- number of days to offset.use_business_days Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether day_offset is for business days. Default is false.hour_offset +/- number of hours to offset.minute_offset +/- number of minutes to offset.timezone Time Zone that the date is formatted in.
Examples |
${_formatDateAdv} → 2012-08-24 15:55 ${_formatDateAdv()} → 2012-08-24 15:55 ${_formatDateAdv('','MMddyyyy',1)} → 08242013 ${_formatDateAdv('2012-09-01','',0,1)} → 2012-10-01 ${_formatDateAdv('2012-09-01','',0,-1)} → 2012-08-01 ${_formatDateAdv('2012-09-01','',0,0,5,false)} → 2012-09-06
Return Date with Time Zone
Description | Returns the Date and Time in another time zone. |
Syntax | ${_formatDateTz('date_time', 'target_time_zone'[, 'output_format']) }
Parameters | date_time Date and time in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
target_time_zone Time zone in which to format the date and time.output_format Optional; Format of the date and time in the other time zone.
Examples |
${_formatDateTz('2018-10-13 01:02:03 -0400', 'Australia/Sydney')} → 2018-10-13 16:02:03 +1100 ${_formatDateTz('2018-10-13 01:02:03 -0400', 'Australia/Sydney','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z')} → 2018-10-13 16:02 +1100 ${_formatDateTz('${ops_launch_time}', '${ops_time_zone}')} = ${_formatDateTz('2018-06-13 15:35:00 -0400', 'Europe/Berlin')} → 2018-06-13 21:35:00 +0200
Return Day of Week
Description | Returns the day of week for the specified date as a number. |
Syntax | ${_dayOfWeek(['date', 'first_dow', first_dow_value]) }
Parameters | date Date in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Default is the current date.first_dow Optional; Specification for whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday. Values are sun and mon (not case-sensitive). Default is sun.first_dow_value Optional; Starting value for the first day of week. Value must be a non-negative number. Default is 1.
Example |
${_dayOfWeek} → 6 ${_dayOfWeek()} → 6 ${_dayOfWeek('2012-07-04')} → 4 ${_dayOfWeek('2012-07-04', 'mon')} → 3
Return Days between Dates
Description | Returns the number of days between date1 and date2. - If return value is > 0, date2 is after date1.
- If return value is < 0, date2 is before date1.
- If return value is 0, date1 is equal to date2.
The start date is inclusive, but the end date is not. |
Syntax | ${_daysBetween('date1', 'date2') }
Parameters | date1 Required.date2 Required.
date1 and date2 are specified in any of the following formats: - yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Example |
${_daysBetween('2012-08-01','2012-09-01')} → 31
Return Non-Business Day of Month
Description | Returns the Nth non-business day of month for the month of the date specified. Optionally, can start from the end of the month. |
Syntax | ${_nonBusinessDayOfMonth(index, ['date', 'format', reverse]) }
Parameters | index Required; Nth non-business day of month.date
Date (and time) is specified in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Default is the current date.format Optional; Format of returned date. Default is yyyy-MM-dd. For details on the format parameter, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.htmlreverse Optional; Specification (true or false) for starting from the end of the month. Default is false.
Examples |
${_nonBusinessDayOfMonth(1)} → 2012-08-04 ${_nonBusinessDayOfMonth(1,'2012-09-01')} → 2012-09-01 ${_nonBusinessDayOfMonth(1,'2012-09-01','',true)} → 2012-09-30
Return Nth Business Day of Month
Description | Returns the Nth business day of month for the month of the date specified. Optionally, can start from the end of the month. |
Syntax | ${_businessDayOfMonth(index, ['date', 'format', reverse]) }
Parameters | index Required; Nth business day of month.date Date (and time) is specified in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Default is the current date.format Optional; Format of returned date. Default is yyyy-MM-dd. For details on the format parameter , see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.htmlreverse Optional; Specification (true or false ) for starting from the end of the month. Default is false.
Examples |
${_businessDayOfMonth(1)} → 2012-08-01 ${_businessDayOfMonth(1,'2012-09-01')} → 2012-09-04 ${_businessDayOfMonth(1,'2012-09-01','',true)} → 2012-09-28
Return Nth Day of Month
Description | Returns the Nth day of month for the month of the date specified. Optionally, can start from the end of the month. |
Syntax | ${_dayOfMonth(index, ['date', 'format', reverse]) }
Parameters | index Required; Nth day of month.date Date (and time) is specified in any of the following formats:- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Default is the current date.format Optional; Format of returned date. Default is yyyy-MM-dd.reverse Optional; Specification (true or false) for starting from the end of the month. Default is false.
Examples |
${_dayOfMonth(5)} → 2012-08-05 ${_dayOfMonth(15,'2012-09-01','MM/dd/yyyy')} → 09/15/2012 ${_dayOfMonth(1,'2012-09-01','',true)} → 2012-09-30
Return Number of Business Days between Dates
Description | Returns the number of business days between date1 and date2. - If return value is > 0,
date2 is after date1 . - If return value is < 0,
date2 is before date1 . - If return value is 0,
date1 is equal to date2 .
The start date is inclusive, but the end date is not. |
Syntax | ${_businessDaysBetween('date1', 'date2') }
Parameters | date1 Required.date2 Required.
date1 and date2 are specified in any of the following formats: - yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z.
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z.
Example |
${_businessDaysBetween('2012-08-01','2012-09-01')} → 23
Mathematical Functions
Description | Return the sum of the augend added with the addend. |
Syntax | ${_add(augend, addend) }
Parameters | augend Integer to which the addend is being added.addend Integer being added to the augend .
Example |
${_add('77', '33')} → 110
Using Variables for augend and addend (${augend} = 17, ${addend} = 5):
${_add('${augend}','${addend}')} → 22
Description | Return the quotient of the dividend divided by divisor. |
Syntax | ${_divide(dividend, divisor) }
Parameters | dividend Integer being divided by the divisor .divisor Integer being used to divide the dividend .
Example |
${_divide('7','20')} → 0 ${_divide('20','7')} → 2 ${_divide('20','5')} → 4
Using Variables for dividend and divisor (${dividend} = 100, ${divisor} = 5)
${_divide('${dividend}','${divisor}')} → 20
Description | Return the product of the multiplicand multiplied with the multiplier. |
Syntax | ${_multiply(multiplicand, multiplier) }
Parameters | multiplicand Integer being multiplied by the multiplier .multiplier Integer being used to multiply the multiplicand .
Example |
${_multiply('7','20')} → 140
Using Variables for multiplicand and multiplier (${multiplicand} = 100, ${multiplier} = 5):
${_multiply('${multiplicand}','${multiplier}')} → 500
Return Absolute Value
Description | Return the absolute value of the parameter. |
Syntax | {_abs(parameter) }
Parameters | parameter Integer (positive or negative value).
Example |
${_abs('-1200')} → 1200 ${_abs('1200')} → 1200
Using Variables for parameter (${parameter} = -100):
${_abs('${parameter}')} → 100
Return Modulo
Description | Return the modulo (remainder) of the dividend divided by divisor. |
Syntax | ${_mod(dividend, divisor) }
Parameters | dividend Integer being divided by the divisor .divisor Integer being used to divide the dividend .
Example |
${_mod('10', '2')} → 0 ${_mod('10', '3')} → 1 ${_mod('70', '65')} → 5
Using Variables for dividend and divisor (${dividend} = 23, ${divisor} = 5):
${_mod('${dividend}','${divisor}')} → 3
Description | Return the difference of the subtrahend subtracted from the minuend. |
Syntax | ${_subtract(minuend, subtrahend) }
Parameters | minuend Integer from which the subtrahend is being subtracted.subtrahend Integer being subtracted from the minuend .
Example |
${_subtract('77','33')} → 44 ${_subtract('33','77')} → -44
Using Variables for minuend and subtrahend (${minuend} = 100, ${subtrahend} = 5):
${_subtract('${minuend}','${subtrahend}')} → 95
Other Task Functions
Business Services Membership
Description | Resolves to a delimited list of business service names the task instance is a member of. |
Syntax | ${_businessServices(['resultDelimiter']) }
Parameters | resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating business service names. If not specified, ", " will be used.
Example | If a task instance is a member of business services A, B, and C.
${_businessServices()} → A, B, C
${_businessServices('\n')} → A B C
If a task instance is not a member of any business service, the function will evaluate to empty. |
Execution User Email
Description | Resolves to the email of the execution user. |
Syntax | ${_executionUserEmail()}
Parameters | n/a |
Example | If a task instance execution user's email address is user@stonebranch.com .
${_executionUserEmail()} → user@stonebranch.com
Output Functions
(For Web Service output, see Web Service Functions.)
Output CSV Record Count
Description | Resolves to the record count of CSV data for the specified output Type. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_outputCsvRecordCount('<outputType>')} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
Example | STDOUT
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
$outputCsvRecordCount('STDOUT')} → 2
Output CSV Record Value Count
Description | Resolves to the count of CSV data for the specified record index of the specified outputType. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
- If an index is invalid, the function will resolve to 0
Syntax | ${_outputCsvRecordValueCount('outputType', recordIndex)} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_outputCsvRecordValueCount('STDOUT','1')} → 4
Output CSV Record Value
Description | Resolves to the value of CSV data for the specified record index & value index of the specified outputType. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output is blank, the function will remain unresolved.
- If an index is invalid, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputCsvRecordValue('outputType', recordIndex, valueIndex)} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_varCsvRecordValue('STDOUT','1', '2')} → G
Output TSV Record Count
Description | Resolves to the record count of TSV data for the specified outputType value. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_outputTsvRecordCount('<outputType>')} |
Parameters | |
Example | STDOUT
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_outputTsvRecordCount('STDOUT')} → 2
Output TSV Record Value Count
Description | Resolves to the count of TSV data for the specified record index of the specified outputType. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
- If an index is invalid, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_outputTsvRecordValueCount('outputType', recordIndex)} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_outputTsvRecordValueCount('STDOUT','1')} → 4
Output TSV Record Value
Description | Resolves to the value of TSV data for the specified record index & value index of the specified outputType. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output is blank, the function will remain unresolved.
- If an index is invalid, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputTsvRecordValue('outputType', recordIndex, valueIndex)} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_outputTsvRecordValue('STDOUT','1', '2')} → G
Output CSV Record Count From Task
Description | Resolves to the record count of CSV output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. |
Syntax | ${_outputCsvRecordCountFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType')} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
Example | STDOUT
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_outputCsvRecordCountFromTask('task-2','STDOUT')} → 2
Output CSV Record Value Count From Task
Description | Resolves to the value count of CSV output data, of the specified outputType, & recordIndexof the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. |
Syntax | ${_outputCsvRecordValueCountFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType', 'recordIndex')} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_outputCsvRecordValueCountFromTask('task-2','STDOUT','1')} → 4
Output CSV Record Value From Task
Description | Resolves to the value of CSV output data, of the specified outputType, recordIndex & valueIndexof the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. |
Syntax | ${_outputCsvRecordValueFromTask('siblingName','outputType', recordIndex, valueIndex)} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_outputCsvRecordValueFromTask('task-2','STDOUT','1', '2')} → G
Output TSV Record Count From Task
Description | Resolves to the record count of TSV output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. |
Syntax | ${_outputTsvRecordCountFromTask('siblingName','outputType')} |
Parameters | |
Example | STDOUT
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_outputTsvRecordCountFromTask('task-2','STDOUT')} → 2
Output TSV Record Value Count From Task
Description | Resolves to the value count of TSV output data, of the specified outputType, & recordIndexof the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. |
Syntax | ${_outputTsvRecordValueCountFromTask('siblingName','outputType', 'recordIndex')} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_outputTsvRecordValueCountFromTask('task-1','STDOUT','1')} → 4
Output TSV Record Value From Task
Description | Resolves to the value of TSV output data, of the specified outputType, recordIndex & valueIndexof the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. |
Syntax | ${_outputTsvRecordValueFromTask('siblingName','outputType', recordIndex, valueIndex)} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
Example | STDOUT
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_outputTsvRecordValueFromTask('task-2','STDOUT','1', '2')} → G
Output Delimited Value Count
Description | Resolves to the count of comma delimited output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance that is resolving the function. |
Syntax | ${_outputDelimitedValueCount('outputType', ['delimiter'])} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
delimiter Optional; delimiter to split the output. Default delimiter is comma (,). If you specify more than one character for the delimiter parameter, each of the characters you specify will be treated as a delimiter.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputDelimitedValueCount('STDOUT')} → 4
Output Delimited Value
Description | Resolves to the value of specified valueIndex for comma delimited output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance that is resolving the function. |
Syntax | ${_outputDelimitedValue('outputType', valueIndex,['delimiter'])} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
delimiter Optional; delimiter to split the output. Default delimiter is comma (,). If you specify more than one character for the delimiter parameter, each of the characters you specify will be treated as a delimiter.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputDelimitedValue('STDOUT','2')} → C
Output Delimited Value Count From Task
Description | Resolves to the count of comma delimited output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. |
Syntax | ${_outputDelimitedValueCountFromTask('siblingName','outputType', ['delimiter'])} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG. delimiter Optional; delimiter to split the output. Default delimiter is comma (,). If you specify more than one character for the delimiter parameter, each of the characters you specify will be treated as a delimiter.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputDelimitedValueCountFromTask('task-2','STDOUT')} → 4
Output Delimited Value From Task
Description | Resolves to the value of specified valueIndex for comma delimited output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. |
Syntax | ${_outputDelimitedValueFromTask('siblingName','outputType', valueIndex,['delimiter'])} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.
outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
delimiter Optional; delimiter to split the output. Default delimiter is comma (,). If you specify more than one character for the delimiter parameter, each of the characters you specify will be treated as a delimiter.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputDelimitedValueFromTask('task-2','STDOUT','2')} → C
Task Instance Output
Description | Resolves to the output data, of the specified outputType , of the task instance that is resolving the function. - If the output record of the specified
ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_output('outputType'[, 'defaultValue']) }
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the output data is not found. Default is empty ('').
Sibling Task Instance Output
Description | Resolves to the output data, of the specified outputType , of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record of the specified
outputType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType'[, 'defaultValue']) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the output data is not found. Default is empty ('').
Task Instance Output Number of Lines
Description | Resolves to the number of lines of output data, of the specified outputType , of the task instance that is resolving the function. - If the output record of the specified ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputNumberOfLines('outputType')}
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputNumberOfLines('STDOUT')} → 3
Sibling Task Instance Output Number of Lines
Description | Resolves to the number of lines of output data, of the specified outputType, of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. - The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance.
- If the output record of the specified outputType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputNumberOfLinesFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType')}
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputNumberOfLinesFromTask('task-2', 'STDOUT')} → 3
Task Instance Output by Specific Line(s)
Description | Resolves to the specified line(s) of output data, of the specified outputType , of the task instance that is resolving the function. - If the output record of the specified
ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputLines('outputType', startLine, numberOfLines[, 'defaultValue', 'resultDelimiter']) }
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.startLine Required; Start line, where 1 is the first line and -1 is the last line.numberOfLines Required; Number of lines to return starting from the startLine .defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if no lines qualify. Default is empty ('')resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating matching lines. If not specified, "\n" or "\r\n" depending on original output line endings.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputLines('STDOUT', 1, 2)} → A B
${_outputLines('STDOUT', 1, 2, '', ',') → A,B
Sibling Task Instance Output by Specific Line(s)
Description | Resolves to the specified line(s) of output data, of the specified outputType , of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record of the specified
outputType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputLinesFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType', startLine, numberOfLines[, 'defaultValue', 'resultDelimiter']) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.startLine Required; Start line, where 1 is the first line and -1 is the last line.numberOfLines Required; Number of lines to return starting from the startLine .defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if no lines qualify. Default is empty ('').resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating matching lines. If not specified, "\n" or "\r\n" depending on original output line endings.
Example | STDOUT Function
${_outputLines('STDOUT', 1, 2)} → A B
${_outputLinesFromTask('task2', 'STDOUT', 1, 2, '', ',') → A,B
Task Instance Output by Line(s) Matching Regular Expression
Description | Resolves to the line(s) of output data that match the specified regular expression, of the specified outputType , of the task instance that is resolving the function by specifying a regular expression. - The complete output line is returned.
- If the output record of the specified
ouptutType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputLinesByRegex('outputType', 'regexPattern'[, maxCount, numberOfLinesBefore, numberOfLinesAfter, 'defaultValue', 'resultDelimiter']) }
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.regexPattern Required; Regular expression used for determining if a line matches. Regular expression must match the whole line (see Example, below).maxCount Optional; Maximum number of matching lines to return. Default is 1.numberOfLinesBefore Optional; Number of lines before each matching line to return along with the matching line. Default is 0.numberOfLinesAfter Optional; Number of lines after each matching line to return along with the matching line. Default is 0.defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if no lines match the regular expression. Default is empty ('').resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating matching lines. If not specified, "\n" or "\r\n" depending on original output line endings.
Example | STDOUT
Some_Text ABC=Some_String More_Text
${_outputLinesByRegex('STDOUT', '^ABC=')} → /* Returns empty (the whole line was not matched) */
${_outputLinesByRegex('STDOUT', '^ABC=.*')} → ABC=Some_String
Sibling Task Instance Output by Line(s) Matching Regular Expression
Description | Resolves to the line(s) of output data that match the specified regular expression, of the specified outputType , of the task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record of the specified
outputType cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_outputLinesByRegexFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType', 'regexPattern'[, maxCount, numberOfLinesBefore, numberOfLinesAfter, 'defaultValue', 'resultDelimiter']) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.regexPattern Required; Regular expression used for determining if a line matches.maxCount Optional; Maximum number of matching lines to return. Default is 1.numberOfLinesBefore Optional; Number of lines before each matching line to return along with the matching line. Default is 0.numberOfLinesAfter Optional; Number of lines after each matching line to return along with the matching line. Default is 0.defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if no lines match the regular expression. Default is empty ('').resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating matching lines. If not specified, "\n" or "\r\n" depending on original output line endings.
Example | STDOUT
Some_Text ABC=Some_String More_Text
${_outputLinesByRegexFromTask('task2', 'STDOUT', '^ABC=')} → /* Returns empty (the whole line was not matched) */
${_outputLinesByRegexFromTask('task2', 'STDOUT', '^ABC=.*')} → ABC=Some_String
Task Instance Output By XPath
Description | Resolves to the XML output data of the task instance that is resolving the function, corresponding to the evaluated XPath expression. If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved. If the output record is found, but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_outputXPath('outputType', 'xPathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', 'delimiter', prettyPrint])}
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.xPathExpression Required; XPath expression. https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.aspdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If xPathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not XML output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | XML
<message> <code>10</code> </message>
${_outputXPath('STDOUT', '//code/text()')}
Result |
Sibling Task Instance Output By XPath
Description | Resolves to the XML output data of the task instance specified by the siblingName , corresponding to the evaluated XPath expression. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved. If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_outputXPathFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType', 'xPathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', 'delimiter', prettyPrint])}
Parameters | siblingName
Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.xPathExpression Required; XPath expression. https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.aspdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If xPathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not XML output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | XML
<message> <code>10</code> </message>
${_outputXPathFromTask('Sibling_With_XML_Output', 'STDOUT', '//code/text()')}
Result |
Task Instance Output By JsonPath
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the task instance that is resolving the function, corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved. If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_outputJsonPath('outputType', 'pathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', 'delimiter', prettyPrint])}
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.PathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If pathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | JSON Function
${_outputJsonPath('STDOUT', '$.code')}
Result |
Sibling Task Instance Output By JsonPath
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the task instance specified by the siblingName , corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved. If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_outputJsonPathFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType', 'pathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', 'delimiter', prettyPrint])} |
Parameters | siblingName
Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.PathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If pathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | JSON Function
${_outputJsonPathFromTask('Sibling_With_JSON_Output', 'STDOUT', '$.code')}
Result |
Task Instance Output By JsonPath As Array
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the task instance that is resolving the function, corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved. If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_outputJsonPathAsArray('outputType', 'pathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', prettyPrint])} |
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.PathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | JSON
[ { "message" : "Hello", "code" : 10 }, { "message" : "World!", "code" : 20 } ]
${_outputJsonPathAsArray('STDOUT', '$[*].message', '', true)}
Result |
Sibling Task Instance Output By JsonPath As Array
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the task instance specified by the siblingName , corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved. If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_outputJsonPathFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType', 'pathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', prettyPrint])} |
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to resolve: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, or JOBLOG.PathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | JSON
[ { "message" : "Hello", "code" : 10 }, { "message" : "World!", "code" : 20 } ]
${_outputJsonPathAsArrayFromTask('Sibling_With_JSON_Output', 'STDOUT', '$[*].message')}
Result |
Task Instance Output Path
Description | Returns a token representing the path to a temporary file containing the specified task instance output data. - $(ops_output_path_<instanceId>_<outputType>_<fileExtension>)
Syntax | ${_outputPath('outputType'[, 'fileExtension'])}
Parameters | outputType Required; Type of output to create a temporary file for: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, JOBLOG, WEBSERVICE, SQL, STOREDPROC.fileExtension Optional; The extension to use for the temporary file. Can be a maximum of 10 characters.- For SQL and STOREDPROC
outputType , the result set is translated to comma-separated values (csv), or tab-separated values (tsv), and, therefore, only csv (default) and tsv are supported file extensions. - For any other
outputType, the default file extension is txt.
Example |
application.exe -file ${_outputPath('STDOUT')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1638302212442528629FTPBE4AJQV2FT_stdout_txt)
application.exe -file ${_outputPath('SQL')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294078671DNPMULGSEVMHT_sql_csv)
application.exe -file ${_outputPath('SQL', 'tsv')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294078671DNPMULGSEVMHT_sql_tsv)
application.exe -file ${_outputPath('EXTENSION', 'json')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294187671OAI9SM79CNC2V_extension_json)
Sibling Task Instance Output Path
Description | Returns a token representing the path to a temporary file containing the specified sibling task instance output data. - $(ops_output_path_<instanceId>_<outputType>_<fileExtension>)
Syntax | ${_outputPathFromTask('siblingName', 'outputType'[, 'fileExtension'])}
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.outputType Required; Type of output to create a temporary file for: STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, EXTENSION, JOBLOG, WEBSERVICE, SQL, STOREDPROC.fileExtension Optional; The extension to use for the temporary file. Can be a maximum of 10 characters.- For SQL and STOREDPROC
outputType , the result set is translated to comma-separated values (csv), or tab-separated values (tsv), and, therefore, only csv (default) and tsv are supported file extensions. - For any other
outputType, the default file extension is txt.
Example |
application.exe -file ${_outputPathFromTask('Sibling_Instance_Name', 'STDERR')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294128671YL1B04U3OT55P_stderr_txt)
application.exe -file ${_outputPathFromTask('Sibling_Instance_Name', 'STOREDPROC')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294197671Q13UV8MSH6355_storedproc_csv)
application.exe -file ${_outputPathFromTask('Sibling_Instance_Name', 'STOREDPROC', 'tsv')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294197671Q13UV8MSH6355_storedproc_tsv)
application.exe -file ${_outputPathFromTask('Sibling_Instance_Name', 'WEBSERVICE', 'json')}
→ application.exe -file $(ops_output_path_1639503212294088671CAWMP3VNQ468B_webservice_json)
SAP Connection Functions
Returns Property of an SAP Connection
Description | Returns a token representing the property associated with an SAP connection |
Syntax | ${_sapConnection('<sap_connection_name>', '<property_name>')}
Parameters | |
Example |
${_sapConnection('sap1', 'sap_connection_type')} → $(ops_unv_sap_connection_sap_connection_type_3ac17d7f3ecb4df0b81aec9c7a24a38c)
Script Functions
Returns Path to Data Script
Description | Returns a token representing the path to a Data Scripts that you want to Embedding a Data Script. |
Syntax | ${_scriptPath('script_name')}
Parameters | script_name Required; Name of the Data Script.
Example | MyDataScript UUID
${_scriptPath('MyDataScript')} → $(ops_unv_script_path_507ffdbd0eba4b62b0e31e0fd22f6bec)
SQL/Stored Procedure Functions
Return Column Names for SQL Results from Current Task
Description | Returns the column names for the SQL results from the current SQL or Stored Procedure task. Column names are separated by the specified separator . |
Syntax | ${_resultsColumnNames(['separator']) }
Parameters | separator Optional; Column name separator. Default is comma (,).
Return Column Names for SQL Results from Sibling Task
Description | Returns the column names for the SQL results from a sibling SQL or Stored Procedure task, within the same workflow. Column names are separated by the specified separator . |
Syntax | ${_resultsColumnNamesFromTask('name'[, 'separator']) }
Parameters | name Required; Name of the sibling task that the results should come from. The task must be within the same workflow.separator Optional; Column name separator. Default is comma (,).
Return SQL Results from Current Task
Description | Returns all SQL results from the current SQL or Stored Procedure task. Columns are separated by the specified separator and rows are separated by a new line. |
Syntax | ${_resultsAll(['separator', 'rowSeparator']) }
Parameters | separator Optional; Column separator. Default is comma (,).rowSeparator Optional; Overrides default New Line character.
Return SQL Results from Sibling Task
Description | Returns all SQL results from a sibling SQL or Stored Procedure task, within the same workflow. Columns are separated by the specified separator and rows are separated by a new line. |
Syntax | ${_resultsAllFromTask('name'[, 'separator', 'rowSeparator']) }
Parameters | name Required; Name of the task that the results should come from. The task must be within the same workflow.separator Optional; Column separator. Default is comma (,).rowSeparator Optional; Overrides default New Line character.
Return SQL Warnings from Current Task
Description | Returns all SQL warnings from the current SQL or Stored Procedure task. Columns are separated by the specified separator and rows are separated by a new line. |
Syntax | ${_SQLWarnings(['separator']) }
Parameters | separator Optional; Column separator. Default is comma (,).
Return SQL Warnings from Sibling Task
Description | Returns all SQL warnings from a sibling SQL or Stored Procedure task, within the same workflow. Columns are separated by the specified separator and rows are separated by a new line. |
Syntax | ${_SQLWarningsFromTask('name'[, 'separator']) }
Parameters | name Required; Name of the sibling task that the warnings should come from. The task must be within the same workflow.separator Optional; Column separator. Default is comma (,).
Return String Value of Row/Column by Column Name
Description | Returns the string value of a row/column from a previously executed SQL task within the same workflow, or from the current SQL task. |
Syntax | ${_resultsColumn('name', 'colname'[, rownum, 'default_value']) }
Parameters | name Required; Name of a sibling SQL task within the same workflow from which you want the function to fetch results. If you want to execute the function against the current task, use an empty string for the name parameter.colname Required; Name of column to retrieve.rownum Optional; Numeric row number in result set to retrieve. Default is 1.default_value Optional; Default value to return if result not found.
Return String Value of Row/Column by Column Number
Description | Returns the string value of a row/column from a previously executed SQL task within the same workflow, or from the current SQL task. |
Syntax | ${_resultsColumnByNo('name', colnum[, rownum, 'default_value']) }
Parameters | name Required; Name of a sibling SQL task within the same workflow from which you want the function to fetch results. If you want to execute the function against the current task, use an empty string for the name parameter.colnum Required; Number of column to retrieve. First column in result is 1, second is 2, and so on.rownum Optional; Numeric row number in result set to retrieve. Default is 1.default_value Optional; Default value to return if result not found.
Return String Values of Columns
Description | Returns the string values of columns in a specific row in CSV (comma-separated values) format, from a previously executed SQL task within the same workflow, or from the current SQL task. |
Syntax | ${_resultsColumnsCSV('name'[, rownum]) }
Parameters | name Required; Name of a sibling SQL task within the same workflow from which you want the function to fetch results. If you want to execute the function against the current task, use an empty string for the name parameter.rownum Optional; Numeric row number in result set to retrieve. Default is 1.
String Functions
String Functions can accept:
- String content in a String parameter.
- Variable name in a String parameter (prefixed with _var) from which string content can be obtained.
- Integer and Boolean parameters.
For String functions that accept a String value parameter directly, the value parameter can be specified using hard-coded text, variables, functions, or any combination of the three.
For String functions that accept a variable name parameter, the fully resolved value of the variable by the specified name will be used as the String value argument. The variable must be fully resolvable and must not contain an unresolved function.
Escape Sequences
An escape character preceded by a backslash (\) is an escape sequence (see the following table for a list of escape sequences).
If you are using a String function to manipulate a String value that potentially may contain an escape sequence, you should use the String function that accepts a variable name parameter to allow for passing the value to the function without the escape sequence being interpreted.
Escape Sequences | Escape Sequence Description |
\t | Insert a tab in the text at this point. |
\b | Insert a backspace in the text at this point. |
\n | Insert a newline in the text at this point. |
\r | Insert a carriage return in the text at this point. |
\f | Insert a formfeed in the text at this point. |
\' | Insert a single quote character in the text at this point. |
\" | Insert a double quote character in the text at this point. |
\\ | Insert a backslash character in the text at this point. |
Convert Characters in Value to Lower Case
Description | Converts all of the characters in the value to lower case using the rules of the default locale. |
Syntax | ${_toLowerCase('value') }
Parameters | value Required; String to convert to lower case.
Example |
${_toLowerCase('MyString')} → mystring
Convert Characters in Variable to Lower Case
Description | Converts all of the characters in the variable to lower case using the rules of the default locale. |
Syntax | ${_varToLowerCase('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.
Example | my_var =
${_varToLowerCase('my_var')} → variable value
Convert Characters in Value to Upper Case
Description | Converts all of the characters in the value to upper case using the rules of the default locale. |
Syntax | ${_toUpperCase('value') }
Parameters | value Required; String to convert to upper case.
Example |
${_toUpperCase('MyString')} → MYSTRING
Convert Characters in Variable to Upper Case
Description | Converts all of the characters in the variable to upper case using the rules of the default locale. |
Syntax | ${_varToUpperCase('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.
Example | my_var =
${_varToUpperCase('my_var')} → VARIABLE VALUE
Escape Characters in Variable Using XML Entities
Description | Escapes the characters in a variable value using XML entities. |
Syntax | ${_varEscapeXml('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function. The variable value will be escaped for insertion into XML.
Example | escape_me =
"`1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?"
${_varEscapeXml('escape_me')} → `1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?
Escape Characters in Variable Using JSON String Rules
Description | Escapes the characters in a variable value using JSON string values. |
Syntax | ${_varEscapeJson('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function. The variable value will be escaped for insertion into JSON.
Example | escape_me =
"`1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?"
${_varEscapeJson('escape_me')} → `1234567890\\E-=[]\\;',.\/ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?
Escape Characters in Variable Using JavaScript String Rules
Description | Escapes the characters in a variable value using JavaScript String rules. |
Syntax | ${_varEscapeJavaScript('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function. The variable value will be escaped for insertion into JavaScript.
Example | escape_me =
"`1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?"
${_varEscapeJavaScript('escape_me')} → `1234567890\\E-=[]\\;\',.\/ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?
Escape Characters in Variable Using HTML Entities
Description | Escapes the characters in a variable value using HTML entities. (Supports all known HTML 4.0 entities.) |
Syntax | ${_varEscapeHtml('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function. The variable value will be escaped for insertion into HTML.
Example | escape_me =
"`1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?"
${_varEscapeHtml('escape_me')} → `1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?
Escape Characters in Variable as a Literal Pattern
Description | Returns a literal regular expression pattern String for the value of the specified variable. This method produces a String that can be used to create a Pattern that would match the String as if it were a literal pattern. |
Syntax | ${_varLiteralPattern('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function. The variable value will be escaped for insertion into a regular expression as a literal pattern.
Example | escape_me =
"`1234567890\E-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?"
${_varLiteralPattern('escape_me')} → \Q`1234567890\E\\E\Q-=[]\;',./ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?\E
Randomly Generate a String
Description | Randomly generates a String with a specified length. |
Syntax | ${_randomString(length[, 'excludeCharacters', 'defaultCharacters']) }
Parameters | length Required; String length.excludeCharacters Optional; String containing characters to exclude from the default character set.defaultCharacters Optional; String for overriding default character set.
Example |
${_randomString(24, '', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890@#$%*')} → 5*L8T1RN#$AQWEKPA@BQ19JD
Replace Substring of Value with Regular Expression
Description | Replaces each substring of value that matches the specified Wildcards and Regular Expressions, regex, with the specified replacement. |
Syntax | ${_replaceAll('value', 'regex', 'replacement') }
Parameters | value Required; Input string.regex Required; Regular expression.replacement Required; Replacement string.
Example |
${_replaceAll('Some text', '[ex]', 'Z')} → SomZ tZZt
Replace Substring of Variable with Regular Expression
Description | Replaces each substring of variableName that matches the specified Wildcards and Regular Expressions, regex, with the specified replacement. |
Syntax | ${_varReplaceAll('variableName', 'regex', 'replacement') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.regex Required; Regular expression.replacement Required; Replacement string.
Example | my_var =
${_varReplaceAll('my_var', '[^ae]', 'x')} → xaxxaxxexxaxxe
Return Base64 Encoded String
Description | Returns the value of the specified variable encoded using the Base64 encoding scheme. |
Syntax | ${_varEncodeBase64('variableName'[, 'charset'])}
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable whose value will be encoded using the Base64 encoding scheme.charset Optional; Name of the charset; default UTF-8.
Example | rawstring =
${_varEncodeBase64('rawstring')} → VGVzdCBTdHJpbmc=
Return Copy of Value with Whitespace Omitted
Description | Returns a copy of value , with leading and trailing whitespace omitted. |
Syntax | ${_trim('value') }
Parameters | value Required; String to trim.
Example |
${_trim(' My String ')} → My String
Return Copy of Variable with Whitespace Omitted
Description | Returns a copy of variableName , with leading and trailing whitespace omitted. |
Syntax | ${_varTrim('variableName') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.
Example | my_var =
${_varTrim('my_var')} = Variable Value
Return Index of Substring in String Value
Description | Returns the index within the string value of the first occurrence of the specified substring, str . |
Syntax | ${_indexOf('value', 'str') }
Parameters | value Any string.str Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs as a substring within the value, then the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
Examples |
${_indexOf('MyString', 'tr')} → 3 ${_indexOf('MyString', 'x')} → -1
Return Index of Substring in String Variable
Description | Returns the index within the string variable of the first occurrence of the specified substring, str . |
Syntax | ${_varIndexOf('variableName', 'str') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs as a substring within the variable, the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
Examples | my_var =
${_varIndexOf('my_var', 'a')} → 1 ${_varIndexOf('my_var', 'x')} → -1
Return Index of Substring Plus Offset in String Value
Description | Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring plus the specified offset. The integer returned is the smallest value. |
Syntax | ${_indexOfWithOffset('value', 'str', offset) }
Parameters | value Required; Any string.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs as a substring within the value, then the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.offset Required; Number (positive or negative) to offset the found index.
Examples |
${_indexOfWithOffset('MyString', 'tr', 1)} → 4 ${_indexOfWithOffset('MyString', 'x', 1)} → -1
Return Index of Substring Plus Offset in String Variable
Description | Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring plus the specified offset. The integer returned is the smallest variable. |
Syntax | ${_varIndexOfWithOffset('variableName', 'str', offset) }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs as a substring within the variable, then the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.offset Required; Number (positive or negative) to offset the found index.
Examples | my_var =
${_varIndexOfWithOffset('my_var', 'a')} → 2 ${_varIndexOfWithOffset('my_var', 'x')} → -1
Return Index of Rightmost Occurrence of Substring in String Value
Description | Returns the index within the string value of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring, str . |
Syntax | ${_lastIndexOf('value', 'str') }
Parameters | value Required; Any string.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs one or more times as a substring within the value, then the index of the first character of the last such substring is returned. If it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
Examples |
${_lastIndexOf('Some text', 'e')} → 6 ${_lastIndexOf('Some text', 'a')} → -1
Return Index of Rightmost Occurrence of Substring in String Variable
Description | Returns the index within the string variable of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring, str . |
Syntax | ${_varLastIndexOf('variableName', 'str') }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs one or more times as a substring within the variable, then the index of the first character of the last such substring is returned. If it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
Examples | my_var =
${_varLastIndexOf('my_var', 'a')} → 10 ${_varLastIndexOf('my_var', 'x')} → -1
Return Index of Rightmost Occurrence of Substring Plus Offset in String Value
Description | Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring, plus the specified offset. The returned index is the largest value. |
Syntax | ${_lastIndexOfWithOffset('value', 'str', offset) }
Parameters | value Required; Any string.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs as a substring within the value, then the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.offset Required; Number (positive or negative) to offset the found index.
Examples |
${_lastIndexOfWithOffset('Some text', 'e', 1)} → 7 ${_lastIndexOfWithOffset('Some text', 'a', 1)} → -1
Return Index of Rightmost Occurrence of Substring Plus Offset in String Variable
Description | Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring, plus the specified offset. The returned index is the largest variable. |
Syntax | ${_varLastIndexOfWithOffset('variableName', 'str', offset) }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.str Required; Substring to search for. If the str argument occurs as a substring within the variable, then the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.offset Required; Number (positive or negative) to offset the found index.
Examples | my_var =
${_varLastIndexOfWithOffset('my_var', 'a', 1)} → 11 ${_varLastIndexOfWithOffset('my_var', 'x', 1)} → -1
Return Length of Value
Description | Returns the length of value . |
Syntax | ${_length('value') }
Parameters | value Required; Any string.
Example |
${_length('Some text')} → 9
Return Length of Variable
Description | Returns the length of variableName . |
Syntax | ${_varLength('variableName'[, useEmptyForUndefined]) }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.useEmptyForUndefined Optional; Specification (true or false) for the handling of a missing variable name. Default is false.- If
useEmptyForUndefined = true, the function will return 0. - If
useEmptyForUndefined = false, the function will remain unresolved if the variable name does not exist.
Example | my_var =
${_varLength('my_var')} → 14
Return New String that is Substring of Value
Description | Returns a new string that is a substring of value . The substring begins at beginIndex and extends to the character at endIndex -1. |
Syntax | ${_substring('value', beginIndex[, endIndex]) }
Parameters | value Required; String to make a substring from.beginIndex Required; Beginning index, inclusive.endIndex Optional; Ending index, exclusive.
Examples |
${_substring('hamburger', 4, 8)} → urge
${_substring('smiles', 1, 5)} → mile
Return New String that is Substring of Variable
Description | Returns a new string that is a substring of variableName . The substring begins at beginIndex and extends to the character at endIndex -1. |
Syntax | ${_varSubstring('variableName', beginIndex[, endIndex]) }
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable being passed into the function.beginIndex Required; Beginning index, inclusive.endIndex Optional; Ending index, exclusive.
Examples | Variables
food = "hamburger" face = "smiles
${_varSubstring('food', 4, 8)} → urge ${_varSubstring('face', 1, 5)} → mile
Return URL-Encoded String
Description | Returns a URL-encoded string according to the ASCII Encoding Reference for UTF-8; all non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with their equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences. |
Syntax | ${_varEncodeUrl('variableName')}
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable whose value will be converted to a URL encoded string.
Example | rawstring =
${_varEncodeUrl('rawstring')} → ABC%24%25%5E----DEF
Variable By XPath
Description | Resolves to the evaluated XPath expression applied to the value of the specified variable. If the variable is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, blank, or the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_varXPath('variableName', 'xPathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', 'delimiter', prettyPrint])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to apply the XPath expression to.
xPathExpression Required; XPath expression. https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.asp
defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').
delimiter Optional; If xPathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).
prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not XML will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | my_variable =
<message> <code>10</code> </message>
${_varXPath('my_variable', '//code/text()')} → 10
Variable By JsonPath
Description | Resolves to the evaluated JsonPath expression applied to the value of the specified variable. If the variable is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, blank, or the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_varJsonPath('variableName', 'pathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', 'delimiter', prettyPrint])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to apply the JsonPath expression to.
pathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath
defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').
delimiter Optional; If pathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).
prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | my_variable =
${_varJsonPath('my_variable', '$.code')} → 10
Variable By JsonPath As Array
Description | Resolves to the evaluated JsonPath expression applied to the value of the specified variable. If the variable is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, blank, or the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_varJsonPathAsArray('variableName', 'pathExpression'[, 'defaultValue', prettyPrint])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to apply the JsonPath expression to.
pathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath
defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').
prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | my_variable =
[ { "message" : "Hello", "code" : 10 }, { "message" : "World!", "code" : 20 } ]
${_varJsonPathAsArray('my_variable', '$[*].message', '', true)} → [ "Hello", "World!" ]
Variable Number of Lines
Description | Resolves to the number of lines the value of the specified variable has. If the variable is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or blank, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_varNumberOfLines('variableName')} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to return the number of lines for.
Example | my_variable =
${_varNumberOfLines('my_variable')} → 3
Variable By Specific Line(s)
Description | Resolves to the specified line(s) of variable data for the specified variable. If the variable is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, blank, or no lines qualify, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_varLines('variableName', startLine, numberOfLines[, 'defaultValue', 'resultDelimiter'])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to apply the function to.
Required; Start line, where 1 is the first line and -1 is the last line.
numberOfLines Required; Number of lines to return starting from the startLine .
defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if no lines qualify. Default is empty ('').
resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating matching lines. If not specified, "\n" or "\r\n" depending on original output line endings.
Example | my_variable =
${_varLines('my_variable', 2, 2)} → Line 2 Line 3
Variable By Line(s) Matching Regular Expression
Description | Resolves to the line(s) of variable data that match the specified regular expression, of the specified variable. If the variable is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, blank, or no lines qualify, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_varLinesByRegex('variableName', 'regexPattern'[, maxCount, numberOfLinesBefore, numberOfLinesAfter, 'defaultValue', 'resultDelimiter'])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to apply the function to.
Required; Regular expression used for determining if a line matches. Regular expression must match the whole line (see Example, below).
Optional; Maximum number of matching lines to return. Default is 1.
Optional; Number of lines before each matching line to return along with the matching line. Default is 0.
Optional; Number of lines after each matching line to return along with the matching line. Default is 0.
defaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').
resultDelimiter Optional; Delimiter to use when concatenating matching lines. If not specified, "\n" or "\r\n" depending on original output line endings.
Example | my_variable =
Some_Text ABC=Some_String More_Text
${_varLinesByRegex('my_variable', '^ABC=')} → /* Returns empty (the whole line was not matched) */
${_varLinesByRegex('my_variable', '^ABC=.*')} → ABC=Some_String
Variable Path
Description | Returns a token representing the path to a temporary file containing the value of the specified variable. |
Syntax | ${_varPath('variableName'[, 'fileExtension'])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The variable to create a temporary file for.
fileExtension Optional; The extension to use for the temporary file. Can be a maximum of 10 characters. Default is txt.
Examples |
application.exe -file ${_varPath('my_variable')} → application.exe -file $(ops_variable_path_my_variable_txt)
application.exe -file ${_varPath('my_variable', 'csv')} → application.exe -file $(ops_variable_path_my_variable_csv)
Variable CSV Record Count
Description | Resolves to the CSV data record count for the specified variable. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_varCsvRecordCount('<variableName>')} |
Parameters | |
Example | my_variable =
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_varCsvRecordCount('my_variable')} → 2
Variable CSV Record Value Count
Description | Resolves to the CSV record value count for the specified variable and record index. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will resolve to 0. - If an index is invalid, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_varCsvRecordValueCount('variableName', recordIndex)} |
Parameters | |
Example | my_variable =
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_varCsvRecordValueCount('my_variable','1')} → 4
Variable CSV Record Value
Description | Resolves to the CSV record value for the specified variable, record index, and variable index. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. - If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will remain unresolved.
- If an index is invalid, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_varCsvRecordValue('variableName', recordIndex, valueIndex)} |
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
Example | my_variable =
"A","B","C","D" "E","F","G","H"
${_varCsvRecordValue('my_variable','1', '2')} → G
Variable TSV Record Count
Description | Resolves to the TSV data record count for the specified variable. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_varTsvRecordCount('<variableName>')} |
Parameters | |
Example | my_variable =
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_varTsvRecordCount('my_variable')} → 2
Variable TSV Record Value Count
Description | Resolves to the TSV record value count for the specified variable and record index. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will resolve to 0. - If an index is invalid, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_varTsvRecordValueCount('variableName', recordIndex)} |
Parameters | |
Example | my_variable =
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_varTsvRecordValueCount('my_variable','1')} → 4
Variable TSV Record Value
Description | Resolves to the value of TSV data for the specified record index & value index of the specified variable. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. - If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will remain unresolved.
- If an index is invalid, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_varTsvRecordValue('variableName', recordIndex, valueIndex)} |
Parameters | variableName Required; Name of the variable.
recordIndex Required; record index number.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
Example | my_variable =
"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H"
${_varTsvRecordValueCount('my_variable','1')} → 4
Var Delimited Value Count
Description | Resolves to the count of delimited values for the specified variable. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will resolve to 0.
Syntax | ${_varDelimitedValueCount('variableName', ['delimiter'])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to return the count of delimited strings.
delimiter Optional; delimiter to split the output. Default delimiter is comma (,). If you specify more than one character for the delimiter parameter, each of the characters you specify will be treated as a delimiter.
Example | my_variable =
${_varDelimitedValueCount('my_variable',':')} → 4
Var Delimited Value
Description | Resolves to the indexed value of delimited values for the specified variable. If the variable name is undefined, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable value is unresolved, the function will remain unresolved. If the variable is undefined, or the variable value is blank, the function will remain unresolved. - If an index is invalid, the function will remain unresolved.
Syntax | ${_varDelimitedValue('variableName', valueIndex,['delimiter'])} |
Parameters | variableName Required; The name of the variable to return the indexed value of delimited strings.
valueIndex Required; record index number.
delimiter Optional; delimiter to split the output. Default delimiter is comma (,). If you specify more than one character for the delimiter parameter, each of the characters you specify will be treated as a delimiter.
Example | my_variable =
${_varDelimitedValue('my_variable','2',':')} → C
System Functions
Display Variables
Description | Displays all the defined and built-in variables associated with the task instance. |
Syntax | ${_scope}
Parameters | (none) |
Example |
${_scope} → {ops_workflow_id=, ops_task_type=Unix,
ops_status=DEFINED, ops_retry_interval=60,
ops_exit_code=0, ops_retry_maximum=0, ops_cmd_parms=,
ops_cmd=ls -la; exit ${_random('9')};, ops_retry_count=0,
ops_task_name=uc - Linux Ls}
Generate Random Number
Description | Generates a random number between max (inclusive) and min (inclusive) |
Syntax | ${_random([max, min]) }
Parameters | max Optional; Upper bound (inclusive) on the random number. Default is 9.min Optional; Lower bound (inclusive) on the random number. Default is 0.
Example | |
Resolve to GUID (Globally Unique ID)
Description | Resolves to a 32-byte GUID (Globally Unique ID). |
Syntax | ${_guid}
Parameters | (none) |
Example |
${_guid} → d11b8597eb024105b5c920a369fb32e7
Resolve to Host Name
Description | Resolves to the hostname of the machine running the Controller, if available. |
Syntax | ${_hostname}
Parameters | (none) |
Resolve to IP Address
Description | Resolves to the IP address of the machine running the Controller. |
Syntax | ${_ipaddress}
Parameters | (none) |
Resolve to the Sibling SYS_ID
Description | Resolves to the sys_id of the first task instance found within the same workflow specified by the sibling name. |
Syntax | ${_siblingid('sibling_name') }
Parameters | sibling_name Required; Sibling name.
Resolve to Variable Value
Description | Locates the specified variable in the specified sibling task instance within the same workflow and resolves to the variable value. |
Syntax | ${_varLookup('sibling_name', 'variable_name'[,'def']) }
Parameters | sibling_name Required; Name of the sibling task instance from which the function is collecting the variable value.variable_name Required; Name of the variable being collected by the function.def Optional; Default value to return if the variable is not defined in the sibling task instance.
Example | my_var =
${_varLookup('task-2', 'my_var', '-1')} → Variable Value
If my_var does not exist
${_varLookup('task-2', 'my_var', '-1')} → -1
Resolve Variable
Description | Resolves the variable specified by the variable_name parameter and substitutes the default_value if the variable cannot be resolved. |
Syntax | ${_resolve('variable_name', 'default_value') }
Parameters | variable_name Required; Variable name.default_value Required; Default value to use if the variable cannot be resolved.
Example | my_var =
${_resolve('my_var', '-1')} → Variable Value
If my_var does not exist
${_resolve('my_var', '-1')} → -1
Resolve Variable (Advanced)
Description | Resolves the variable specified by the variable_name parameter and substitutes the default value if the variable cannot be resolved. |
Syntax | ${_resolveadv('variable_name', 'default_value', [use_default_if_blank]) }
Parameters | variable_name Required; Variable name.default_value Required; Default value to use if the variable cannot be resolved.use_default_if_blank Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not to use the default value if the variable is empty or blank. (If use_default_if_blank is false, _resolveadv behaves like _resolve.)
Example | my_var =
${_resolveadv('my_var', '-1', true)} → Variable Value
If my_var is blank or does not exist
${_resolveadv('my_var', '-1', true)} → -1
Universal Task Functions
Convert Array Field Variable
Description | Given the variable name representing the Array field, generate a String of delimited Array field entry data. |
Syntax | ${_convertArrayFieldVariable('arrayFieldVariableName'[,'delimiter', 'separator', 'keyQuote', 'valueQuote']) }
Parameters | arrayFieldVariableName Required; Name of the variable for the Array Field; for example, ops_af_p2.- delimeter
Optional; Value to be used to delimit the Name from the Value. Default is =. - separator
Optional; Value to be used to separate one entry/row from the next. Default is comma (,). - keyQuote
Optional; Quoting to be used around the Name. Default is "no quoting." - valueQuote
Optional; Quoting to be used around the Value. Default is "no quoting."
Example | ops_af_p2
P2A=Red P2B=White P2C=Blue
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', '=')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', ':')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', ':', ';')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', '::', ',', '\'')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', '=', ',', '\'', '"')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', "", "", '\'', '\'')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p1', ':', '\\n', '\'', '\'')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', '=')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', ':')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', ':', ';')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', '::', ',', '\'')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', '=', ',', '\'', '"')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', '', '', '\'', '\'')}
${_convertArrayFieldVariable('ops_af_p2', ':', '\\n', '\'', '\'')}
Get Array Field Variable Value
Description | Given the variable name representing the Array field and the name of an entry in the Array field, return the value for the entry.
Syntax | ${_getArrayFieldVariableValue('arrayFieldVariableName', 'name') }
Parameters | arrayFieldVariableName Required; Name of the variable for the Array Field; for example, ops_af_p1.name Required; Name of the entry for which the value is to be returned.
Example | ops_af_p2
P2A=Red P2B=White P2C=Blue
P1A = ${_getArrayFieldVariableValue('ops_af_p1', 'P1A')} ---------- P1A=5 ----------
P1B = ${_getArrayFieldVariableValue('ops_af_p1', 'P1B')} ---------- P1B=42 ----------
P2A = ${_getArrayFieldVariableValue('ops_af_p2', 'P2A')} ---------- P2A=Red ----------
P2B = ${_getArrayFieldVariableValue('ops_af_p2', 'P2B')} ---------- P2B=White ----------
P2C = ${_getArrayFieldVariableValue('ops_af_p2', 'P2C')} ---------- P2C=Blue ----------
Web Service Functions
All functions will remain unresolved if no Web Service output record can be found for the task instance, for the current attempt.
All functions will remain unresolved if a required parameter either is not specified or specified incorrectly.
Raw Output from Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the raw output data of the Web Service task instance that is resolving the function. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found, but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseRaw(['default_value']) }
Parameters | default_value Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').
Examples | Function
XML Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <command-response> <type>set_variable</type> <success>true</success> <info>No changes detected for variable variableName, ignoring Set Variable command.</info> <errors></errors> </command-response>
JSON Response
{ "type" : "set_variable", "success" : true, "info" : "No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.", "errors" : "" }
Raw Output from Sibling Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the raw output data of the Web Service task instance specified by the siblingName parameter. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow, and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseRawFromTask('siblingName'[,'defaultValue']) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.default_value Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').
Examples | Function
XML Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <command-response> <type>set_variable</type> <success>true</success> <info>No changes detected for variable variableName, ignoring Set Variable command.</info> <errors></errors> </command-response>
JSON Response
{ "type" : "set_variable", "success" : true, "info" : "No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.", "errors" : "" }
XML Output Data from Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the XML output data of the Web Service task instance that is resolving the function, corresponding to the evaluated xPath expression. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found, but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseXPath('xPathExpression'[,'defaultValue','delimiter',prettyPrint]) }
Parameters | xPathExpression Required; xPath expression, https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.aspdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If xPathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not XML output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Examples | If you want to obtain the info element text from the following Web Service Task XML output, you could use either of two examples for this Function.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<info>No changes detected for variable variableName, ignoring Set Variable command.</info>
Example 1
Select the info node in the document no matter where it is. Example 2
Select the info node from a specific path in the document, starting from the root node. Using either of these examples will resolve to the following: No changes detected for variable variableName , ignoring Set Variable command. |
XML Output Data From Sibling Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the XML output data of the Web Service task instance specified by the siblingName, corresponding to the evaluated xPath expression. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseXPathFromTask('siblingName','xPathExpression'[,'defaultValue','delimiter',prettyPrint]) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.xPathExpression Required; xPath expression, https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.aspdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If xPathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not XML output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Examples | If you want to obtain the info element text from the following Web Service Task XML output, you could use either of two examples for this Function.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<info>No changes detected for variable variableName, ignoring Set Variable command.</info>
Example 1
${_responseXPath('task2', '//info')}
Select the info node in the document no matter where it is. Example 2
${_responseXPath('task2', '/command-response/info')}
Select the info node from a specific path in the document, starting from the root node. Using either of these examples will resolve to the following: No changes detected for variable variableName , ignoring Set Variable command. |
JSON Output Data From Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the Web Service task instance that is resolving the function, corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseJsonPath('pathExpression'[,'defaultValue','delimiter',prettyPrint]) }
Parameters | pathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If pathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | Given the following Web Service Task JSON output:
{ "type" : "set_variable", "success" : true, "info" : "No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.", "errors" : "" }
${_responseJsonPath('$.info')} → No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.
JSON Output Data From Sibling Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the Web Service task instance specified by the siblingName, corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseJsonPathFromTask('siblingName','pathExpression'[,'defaultValue','delimiter',prettyPrint]) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.pathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').delimiter Optional; If pathExpression evaluates to multiple results, the delimiter to be used to separate those results. Default is new line character (\n).prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | Given the following Web Service Task JSON output:
{ "type" : "set_variable", "success" : true, "info" : "No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.", "errors" : "" }
${_responseJsonPathFromTask('task2', '$.info')} → No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.
JSON Output Data As Array From Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the Web Service task instance that is resolving the function, corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found but the path expression does not yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseJsonPathAsArray('pathExpression'[,'defaultValue',prettyPrint]) }
Parameters | pathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | Given the following Web Service Task JSON output:
{ "type" : "set_variable", "success" : true, "info" : "No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.", "errors" : "" }
${_responseJsonPathAsArray('$.info')} → ["No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command."]
JSON Output Data As Array From Sibling Web Service Task
Description | Resolves to the JSON output data of the Web Service task instance specified by the siblingName, corresponding to the evaluated JsonPath expression. The sibling task instance must be within the same workflow and the Execution User of the task instance that is resolving the function must have Read permission for the sibling task instance. - If the output record cannot be found, the function will remain unresolved.
- If the output record is found but the path expression doesn't yield a result, the function will resolve to the default value.
Syntax | ${_responseJsonPathAsArrayFromTask('siblingName','pathExpression'[,'defaultValue',prettyPrint]) }
Parameters | siblingName Required; Name of a sibling task instance.pathExpression Required; JsonPath expression. https://github.com/json-path/JsonpathdefaultValue Optional; Default value to return if the result is not found. Default is empty ('').prettyPrint Optional; Specification (true or false) for whether or not JSON output will be pretty printed (indented). Default is false.
Example | Given the following Web Service Task JSON output:
{ "type" : "set_variable", "success" : true, "info" : "No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command.", "errors" : "" }
${_responseJsonPathAsArrayFromTask('task2', '$.info')} → ["No changes detected for variable my_var, ignoring Set Variable command."]