Tutorial - Creating a PeSIT Partner

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Configure a remote PeSIT partner.

  • View the configuration in effect during a file transfer with a corresponding UDMG local PeSIT server, see Tutorial - Creating a PeSIT Server.

Step 1

From the UDMG navigation pane, select Management > Partners. The Partner list displays.

Step 2

Click New. The Partner Details displays.

  • In the Partner Name field, enter stonebranch-pesit-01-partner

  • In the Protocol field, select PeSIT

  • In the IP Address field, enter

  • In the Port field, enter 2021

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab on the Partner detail panel

  • In the Pre Connect Username field, enter pre_user

  • In the Pre Connect Password field, enter pre_pass

  • In the Caller ID (PI3) field, enter PesitCaller

  • In the Partner ID (PI3) field, enter PesitServer

  • In the Access Type (PI32) field, select RW

  • In the Data Element Max Size (PI25) field, enter 2048

  • In the Access Control (PI5) field, enter control

  • In the Checkpoint interval (PI7) field, enter 1024

  • In the Checkpoint window (PI7) field, enter 3

  • In the Compression (PI21) field, select No

  • In the Compression Type (PI21) field, select None

  • In the Article Format (PI31) field, select Fixed

  • In the Article Length (PI32) field, enter 4096

Step 4

Click Save and Confirm.

Step 5

Click the Accounts tab on the Partner detail panel. Add an account.

It is required to define at least 1 account for a PeSIT partner, for the registration of the file transfer request. The authentication on the PeSIT server is performed with the parameters (Pre Connect, caller ID, Server ID, Access Control that are defined on the configuration tab.

  • In the Name field, enter PesitCaller.

  • Leave the Password field empty

Step 6

Click Save

Step 7

Configure the rules at partner and/or account level.

For example pesit-01_partner_send

Create the rule:

  • In the Rule Name field, enter pesit-01_partner_send.

  • In the Direction field, select Send.

  • In the Description field, enter any value, for example "Send PeSIT files under 'pesit_dir' folder".

  • In the Path Directory field, enter pesit_dir

  • In the Local Directory field, enter pesit_dir.

  • In the Remote Directory field, enter pesit_dir

  • In the Temp Directory field, leave it empty

Please note that, because the remote partner is set to be local UDMG PeSIT server, the Remote Directory is set to the virtual path of a receiving rule for the local server:

Step 8

Click the Save icon

Step 9

Authorize the sending rule for the partner:

Step 10

Initiate a file transfer to upload a file.

The file is ready under /data/pesit_dir/test-pesit.txt, as defined by the rule local directory (pesit_dir) and the UDMG server home directory (/data)

Use the Command Line Interface to register the transfer:

$ udmg-client transfer add \
-p stonebranch-pesit-01-partner \
-l PesitCaller \
-r pesit-01_partner_send -w send \
-f test-pesit.txt

Step 11

Follow the transfer request from the Activity Transfer and History dashboards.

There are 2 records in this case, because UDMG is used both as the client and the server in the transaction:

  • Sending the file to the Partner, identified by the rule pesit-01_partner_send and the flag isSend

  • Receiving the file on the Server, identified by the rule pesit-01_receive and the flag isServer


According to the protocol specification, the following constraints are checked when setting the configuration parameters:

  • Pre Connect Username is mandatory and must be less than 9 characters

  • Pre Connect Password is mandatory and must be less than 9 characters

  • Caller ID (PI3) field is mandatory and must be less than 25 characters

  • Partner ID (PI3) field is mandatory and must be less than 25 characters

  • Data Element Max Size (PI25)  is mandatory and must > 0
  • Access Control (PI5) is optional and must be less than 17 characters

  • Article Length (PI32) is mandatory and must > 0

An error "the protocol configuration is invalid" is raised if one of these values is not correct.