Universal Data Mover Gateway 1.3.0 Release Notes

Universal Data Mover Gateway 1.3.0 Release Notes

Universal Data Mover Gateway release - May 9, 2023, contains the following high-level features. For a complete list of all the included features and fixes, please refer to Universal Data Mover Gateway 1.3.x Maintenance.





#31180Partner SSH Key Scan and StoreFeature to fetch, display, and automatically store the SSH host keys for a remote partner from the configuration panel.
#32302Ignore Revoked Partner KeySkip the revoked host keys during handshake with a remote partner
#32328Ignore Revoked Server KeySkip the revoked host keys during server initialization
#32364SFTP session details

More details for SFTP session

  • print SSH session ID in hexadecimal format in the log
  • in case of handshake error: show the remote address: Failed to perform handshake: '%s' Address '%s'
  • in case of handshake success, show the user, client version, and remote address: ID: '%X' Handshake connection User: '%s' Client Version: '%s' Address: '%s
  • keep session id in transfer info with key: udmg_session_id





#31692Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Admin UINew 'domain' configuration parameter for Authentication Proxy to define the list of allowed and trusted domains to perform CORS requests
#32226Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Web Transfer ClientNew 'domain' configuration parameter to define the list of allowed and trusted domains to perform CORS requests
CSRF Protection for Admin UINew 'CSRF' flag parameter for Authentication Proxy to enable CSRF protection. A CSRF Token is exchanged between Authentication Proxy and Admin UI during the authentication handshake.
#32227CSRF Protection for Web Transfer ClientA CSRF Token is exchanged during the authentication handshake between the frontend and backend.
#31696Mime Type ScanningScanning of transferred files to determine their mime-type and suggested file extension. The guessed type and extension are added as transfer metadata:
  • udmg_file_computed_extension
  • udmg_file_computed_mimetype
#32295User Revocation of Certificate or KeyCertificate records (TLS certificate, SSH host key, or SSH public key) can be disabled on demand with 'revoke' and 'authorize' features.

User Experience




#31968Server and Partner extended info fields

Addition of custom fields for describing Servers and Partners. Standard fields are

  • Description
  • Contact 1 name, email, and phone
  • Contact 2 name, email, and phone

Additional fields can be added from the interfaces as pairs of label - value according to user needs.

#32329Cancel TransferCancel action is available from Admin UI when the transfer is not already completed (not Done nor Cancelled)
#32359TLS Certificate DetailsDisplay of complete TLS certificate details, including among others the expiration date, subject, SAN list
#32345SSH Public Key DetailsDisplay of complete public key details, including algorithm, bits (key size in bits, only for RSA), fingerprintSHA256, fingerprintMD5, authorizedKeysLine
#32330SSH/TLS Private Key DetailsDisplay of complete private key details, including algorithm, bits (key size in bits, only for RSA), key type, fingerprintSHA256, fingerprintMD5, authorizedKeysLine
#32453Log User Actions on ServersLog and audit the actions on the local servers for traceability: enable, disable, start, stop, restart
#31869Composite quick filter

Quick filters for composite status in Transfer Activity: 

Pending, Active, Blocked, Completed, Problem





#32227Module Rebranding

The solution components are renamed to udmg-* for better usability:

  • waarp-gatewayudmg-client
  • waarp-gatewaydudmg-server
  • mft-auth-proxyudmg-auth-proxy
  • mft-agent-clientudmg-agent-client
  • mft-agent-serverudmg-agent-server
  • mft-web-upload → udmg-web-transfer

Version numbering for udmg-server and udmg-client is now aligned with the UDMG release and not with the legacy 3PP.

The default installation folders and environment variables are also updated.

#29886SaaS Disaster RecoverySaaS offer is available with support for disaster recovery.
#31784LDAP IntegrationSupport for LDAP authentication of UDMG users with explicit binding.
#32519SSO Integration

Support for Single Sign-On authentication of UDMG users with the following Identity Providers:

  • SAML 2.0
  • Google
  • OAuth2
  • OpenID
#32653User Email InfoAddition of email field for UDMG Users. This is required for SSO integration.

Remote Interfaces




#31940Show internal object ID in API responses

Addition of internal object ID in the GET/LIST API response for below endpoints, for improved usability and easier troubleshooting.

  • users
  • sb_partners
  • sb_partners/X/accounts
  • sb_partners/X/certs
  • sb_servers
  • sb_servers/X/accounts
  • sb_servers/X/certs
  • sb_rules
#32818API to update own password

New 'password' web service and CLI command to provide the ability for a UDMG user to change its own password without the system permission to update all users.

udmg-client user password -p [password] [username]

#32676Healthcheck API

'healthcheck' web service and CLI command to provide an easy monitoring of UDMG services.

One line response with overall system status:

  • Operational: all services are Running or Offline (either disabled or stopped by a user).
  • Degraded: at least 1 service is in the Error state.
  • Transitional: at least 1 service is in Starting or ShuttingDown state.
#32938Authentication Proxy Swagger  SpecificationOpenAPI Specification (Swagger 2.0) for the UDMG Authentication Proxy.
#32961Certificate Expiration Report APINew web service and CLI command to list the TLS certificates that have expired or will expire in the next X days.
udmg-client sb_cert expired --days=30

Universal Controller Integrations




#32198, #32195,
UDMG File Transfer 1.2: Support Wildcard Transfer
  1. New actions "MPUT" and "MGET" for wildcard transfers:
    • support for wildcard in source file parameter,
    • creation of wildcard transfer on UDMG,
    • monitoring of child transfers on UDMG,
    • tabular report on STDOUT with final child transfer status,
    • short summary report in EXTENSION output,
    • PAUSE, RESUME, and CANCEL commands are propagated to child transfers
  2. "Transfer Progress" output field is redefined to show human readable value
    • size in KB, MB, or GB for single transfer,
    • "x out of y files" for wildcard transfer
  3. "Max files to monitor" parameter: limit the number of child transfers that are monitored by the task instances, 100 by default.
  4. "Wait for transfer completion" parameter: task instance only returns when the transfer is completed (with DONE or CANCELLED status) on UDMG.
    For wildcard transfers, only returns when all child transfers are completed. Activated by default.
#32463UDMG File Transfer 1.2: refresh output with re-run"Re-run" task instance resumes a pending transfer or refresh the output data for a completed transfer.
#30931UDMG File Transfer: Keep UAC Task IDTask instance UUID is added as UDMG transfer metadata (field: udmg_ue_task_uuid).

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