Creating a Job Definition Using GENERATE JOBDEF Command - zOS

Creating a Job Definition Using GENERATE JOBDEF Command - zOS

Creating a Universal Connector Job Definition Using the GENERATE JOBDEF Command - z/OS

SAP jobs offer many configuration options. Manually creating Universal Connector job definitions that utilize many configuration options can be tedious and time consuming.

Universal Connector offers a function that generates a complete job definition based on a pre-existing template job on the SAP system. The generated job definition can then be modified, if needed.

The following example demonstrates the use of the generate jobdef command.

SYSIN Options

SYSIN options used in this example are:

Command Options



Named set of connection parameters (destination) 'CF5'. These connection parameters are used for communications with the SAP system. The default file for destination parameters is #HLQ.UNV.USPRFC00.


SAP client number that the Universal Connector will communicate with.


Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Name of the SAP job that will be used as a template for generation.


Job ID of the SAP job that will be used as a template for generation.


Universal Connector for z/OS