Running an SAP Job Using SAP Job as Template - UNIX

Running an SAP Job Using SAP Job as Template - UNIX

Running a Job on an SAP System Using a Pre-existing SAP Job - UNIX

This example illustrates running a job on an SAP system using a pre-existing SAP job.


Submit a new job to an SAP system using a pre-existing SAP job as a template.


Start the newly created job.


Wait for the job to complete.


Return the job log.


Return the spool list.


The SAP job completion status will be mapped to an exit code and Universal Connector will exit with the mapped exit code.



This job assumes (and requires) that a job already exists on an the SAP system with:

  • Job Name: USPRUN1
  • Job ID: 12345678


The following figure illustrates the command to run the job.

Command Line Options

Command line options used in this example are:

Command Options



Named set of connection parameters (destination) 'CF5'. These connection parameters are used for communications with the SAP system.

The "destinations" are stored in file saprfc.ini, which must be in the current directory, or its full path must be specified in environment variable RFC_INI.


SAP client number that the Universal Connector will communicate with.


Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Specification that Universal Connector will issue the SUBMIT command.


Job name of the SAP job that will be used as a template.


Job ID of the SAP job that will be used as a template.


Specification that Universal Connector will instruct the SAP system to start the submitted job.


Specification that Universal Connector will monitor the started job until it completes.


Specification that Universal Connector will return the SAP log for the started job.


Specification that Universal Connector will return any spool lists created by the started job.


Universal Connector for SAP for UNIX