Controlling Universal Event Monitor Database Access

Controlling Universal Event Monitor Database Access

Universal Broker is responsible primarily for providing access to the Universal Agent databases. However, there are utilities provided, including the Universal Spool List (uslist) and Universal Spool Remove (uslrm), that can be used to access the databases directly. While these utilities should be used only following a recommendation from and with the assistance of Stonebranch, Inc. Customer Support, they are documented fully in the Universal Agent Utilities 7.7.x Reference Guide.

To protect the database contents, operating system permissions on the database files themselves should be set so that only accounts with super-user or administrative privileges has access to them.

UEM provides its own command line utility, UEMLoad, to maintain the event definition and event handler databases. While the contents of these databases can be viewed using the Universal Spool List utility, it is recommended that all access be done using UEMLoad. The ability to remove event definition and event handler records is only provided with UEMLoad.

UEMLoad only can manage event definition and event handler databases that are local to the system on which it resides. To process a request, UEMLoad sends a request to the Universal Broker running on that system to start a demand-driven UEM Server. Next, UEMLoad sends the database request to the UEM Server, so that the UEM Server can validate the request and provide any required default values. The UEM Server then forwards the request to the Universal Broker, so that the changes can be applied to the appropriate database.

UEMLoad executes in the security context of the user account that started it. Since the Universal Broker applies changes to the event definition and event handler databases, any user with the authority to execute UEMLoad will, effectively, have access to a secure resource. It is therefore strongly recommended that the privileges on UEMLoad be set such that only those user accounts with super-user or administrative privileges be allowed to execute it.

Application support also is provided to further limit access to the event definition and event handler databases. A type of Universal Access Control List (UACL) is provided by UEM to grant or deny local user accounts the authority to access these databases.

To fully secure the event definition and event handler databases, a UACL entry can be defined to deny access to all user accounts. Then, additional entries can be defined to grant database access to those user accounts with the appropriate authority. Whenever UEMLoad is executed, the entries in the UACL will be checked. If a match cannot be found which indicates that the user account that started UEMLoad is allowed to access the database, the application will terminate with an error.

Universal Access Control List (UACL) provides a more thorough overview of the UACL feature. For information on the specific UACL used to control access to the event definition and event handler databases, see the DATABASE_MAINTENANCE_ACL UACL entry in the Universal Event Monitor 7.7.x Reference Guide.

The event spool records generated by a UEM Server only can be viewed with the Universal Spool List utility.