Universal Agent Utilities 7.7.x Reference Guide

Universal Agent Utilities

These pages provide detailed information for the Universal Agent utilities, which are installed as part of each Universal Agent package.

There are one or more pages for each utility, including pages that provide detailed information on the configuration options of each utility.

Some utilities are operating-system specific; they cannot be used on all supported operating system. The pages for each utility identify the operating system(s) on which they can be used.

Types of Universal Agent Utilities

The following table identifies the supported operating system(s) and provides a description for each Universal Agent utility. Each Utility Name is a link to detailed information about that utility.

Utility Name






Universal Certificate




Creates digital certificates and private keys, which Universal Agent programs can use to securely identify users and computer systems.

Universal Control





Provides the ability to start and stop Universal Agent components, and to refresh Universal Agent configuration data.

Universal Copy




Provides a means to copy files from either manager-to-server or server-to-manager.

Universal Database Dump




Berkeley db_dump utility tailored specifically for Universal Agent databases.

Universal Database Load




Berkeley db_load utility tailored specifically for Universal Agent databases.

Universal Display Log File


Reads job log files; formats and writes job logs to standard out.

Universal Encrypt





Encrypts the contents of command files into an unintelligible format (for privacy reasons).

Universal Event Log Dump


Selects records from one of the Windows event logs and writes them to a specified output file.

Universal FTP Client




Transfers files to and from servers using any of four different file transfer protocols.

Universal Message Translator





Translates error messages into return (exit) codes based on a user-defined translation table.

Universal Products Install Merge



Merges options and values from one Universal Agent configuration or component definition file into another.

Universal Query





Queries any Universal Broker for Broker-related and active component-related information.

Universal Return Code


Performs the function of ending a process with a return code that is equal to its command line argument.

Universal Spool List





Provides the ability to list Universal Spool database records.

Universal Spool Remove





Provides the ability to remove component records from the Universal Command and Universal Event Monitor Spool databases.

Universal Submit Job


Encapsulates the IBM Submit Job (SBMJOB) command.

Universal Write-to-Operator


For z/OS USS: Issues Write-to-Operator and Write-to-Operator-with-Reply messages.