Universal Enterprise Controller 7.7.x Reference Guide


Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) is a Universal Agent server application, for z/OS and Windows operating systems, that monitors the status of all Agent installations in your enterprise.


UEC sends out alerts to any connected Agent-monitoring applications whenever:

  • Universal Broker is unreachable.
  • Universal Broker is not responding.
  • Agent component enters an orphaned or disconnected state.

These alerts are posted to the:

  • Event Log (when running under Windows)
  • Console (when running under z/OS)

Automation tools can be used in conjunction with these messages to perform operations based on agent failures.

UEC System

The following figure illustrates a UEC system.

UEC System Components

A UEC system contains, in addition to UEC, the following components:

Universal Event Subsystem

The Universal Event Subsystem (UES) is a subsystem of Universal Enterprise Controller that records, routes, and manages event messages generated by Universal Agent components.

See Universal Event Subsystem for detailed information on this subsystem.

UECLoad Utility

The UECLoad utility permits UEC users to add, delete, and view Agents in the UEC database.

Via UECLoad, you can add or delete individual Agents or supply an Agents definition file (deffile) with definitions to be added or deleted from UEC.

You also can use UECLoad to export existing agent definitions (which later can be used as a definition file to re-create the agent definitions) and event records (from UES).

See UECLoad Utility for detailed information on this utility.

Universal Enterprise Controller Client Applications (for Windows)

Under the Windows operating system, UEC connects to three stand-alone client applications:


I-Administrator is used to administer the list of Agents that UEC will monitor. It also is used to administer UEC users and their permissions. With I-Administrator, the user can add, modify, and delete users, agents, groups, and SAP systems.


A user must have UEC administrative rights - granted via I-Administrator - in order to use I-Administrator.

Upon installation of UEC, a default user ID (admin) and password (admin) are created having UEC administrative rights. It is recommended that you create another user with UEC administrative rights and then delete the default user.

I-Activity Monitor

I-Activity Monitor connects to UEC and displays information about the current status, posted alerts, and job and file activity for all Agents being monitored by UEC throughout an enterprise.
When an Agent or SAP system is added to UEC, via the I-Administrator application, UEC is able to collect information about that agent or SAP system.
Authorized users are able to use the I-Activity Monitor interface to stop running any Universal Agent component (if it is a component of an Agent being polled by UEC).

I-Management Console

I-Management Console provides a graphical user interface for reconfiguring Agents:

  1. Reconfigure agents remotely, from a single machine.
  2. Reconfigure multiple agents simultaneously.

See Universal Enterprise Controller Client Applications for detailed information on running these applications.

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for Universal Enterprise Controller:

Universal Enterprise Controller Examples

See Starting and Stopping Agent Components - Examples for examples of how to start and stop Universal Enterprise Controller.