Action menus contain a set of actions and commands that you can apply to a list of records or one or more individual records. The actions listed on an Action menu are context-sensitive; they appear only as appropriate for the type of list or record (and as allowed by your User Permissions).
To access an Action menu:
For a List |
Right-click a column header to display an Action menu containing a set of actions that you can apply to that column or to the entire list. |
For a Record |
The following is a sample Action menu for an individual record selected on a list:
The following table identifies actions that can appear on Action menus throughout the Universal Controller user interface. The Availability column identifies the location(s) from where each action is available.
Most actions are available for multiple, if not all, record types. Some actions are available for specific record types; these actions are categorized alphabetically following the list of actions for multiple record types:
Action |
Availability |
Description |
For any type of record that can be added to a Bundle:
Adds this record to any existing Bundle.
Only users with the ops_bundle_admin role or Update permission for the bundle can add definitions to the Bundle. |
Left-adjusts all columns in the list to their smallest size that still displays the full column name and column details for all records in the list. |
Adjusts all Auto Fitted columns back to their original size. |
Clears the temporary sort levels that you created via the Configure Sort action. |
Closes the Details pop-up of any record. |
Displays a list of all available columns that can be displayed for this list. Click any column in the list to display / remove it. |
Sorts a list according to temporary, user-defined sort levels for a column on the list (see Configure a Multi-Level Sort). |
Creates a copy of the selected record, which you are prompted to rename. |
Exports records on a list in CSV (comma-separated values in an Excel file) format (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Displays a menu of the following actions: |
Deletes the selected record(s). |
Downloads the selected record(s) to a zip file on your local file system. | |
Downloads all records in the list that match the current filter to a zip file on your local file system.
Exports records on a list in either of seven formats (as available for the type of record in the list): |
Hide Metadata for these Details. |
Imports valid XML files (usually from an Export) from a user-defined location to a list. |
Creates a copy of the current record, for which which you have just entered a new Name. |
Displays a menu of available layouts for this list. |
Displays empty Details for you to begin creating a new record. |
Opens the Details pop-up of a record. |
Opens a page right-clicked in the Navigator under the current tab. (If the current tab is for the Activity Monitor or Dashboard Details, the page will open in a new tab (see Tabs). |
Opens a page right-clicked in the Navigator under a new tab. |
Displays the record Details under a new tab rather than as a pop-up (see Opening a Record). |
Exports the displayed data (the selected columns) of every record on a list into PDF format (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Prints the record Details as shown in the user interface. |
For any type of record that can be promoted:
Copies this record from this source cluster node to a target cluster node.
The server will prohibit the user from promoting the definition using the promotion target if neither of the two conditions are met:
Refreshes all dynamic information in the Details. |
Restores the current layout of the list to its default layout. |
Saves this record and, if the record is displayed in a pop-up dialog, closes the record. |
Saves this record and displays empty Details for a new record. |
Saves the current layout of the list as the default layout. |
Saves the current layout of the list. |
Displays all details stored in the database for this record in table format. |
Display Metadata for these Details. |
Sorts the list in ascending alphabetical order. |
Sorts the list in descending alphabetical order. |
Selects the default layout for the list. |
Performs a connectivity test to the selected connection. |
Updates the Details of any record and, if the Details are displayed in a pop-up dialog, closes the pop-up. |
Updates the Details of any record and continues to display the record. |
Updates all currently selected records in the list. |
Updates all records in the list that match the current filter. |
Uploads all selected files.
Click Browse to select the file(s) that you want to upload.
Click Upload to upload the selected file(s). |
Displays detailed information about that entry. |
For any type of record that can be added to a Bundle:
Displays a list of bundles to which this record belongs.
Exports the displayed data (the selected columns) of every record on a list into XLS (Excel) format (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Exports the displayed data (the selected columns) of every record on a list into XLSX format (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Exports all data of every record on a list into XML format (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Exports all data, plus references, of every record on a list into XML format (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Resets the Current Task Count field for this Agent to 0. |
Resets the Current Task Count field for this Agent Cluster to 0. |
If Distribution type for an Agent Cluster is Network Alias; Resolves the Network Alias for this Agent Cluster. |
Resumes the ability to run tasks for suspended Agent. |
Resumes the ability to run tasks for a suspended cluster of Agents. |
Resumes the membership of this Agent in the selected Agent Cluster. |
Suspends the ability to run tasks for this Agent. (Same action as Suspend Agent button on Agent Details.) |
Suspends the ability to run tasks for this cluster of Agents. (Same action as Suspend Cluster button on Agent Cluster Details.) |
Suspends the membership of this Agent in the selected agent cluster. |
Queries the application (if it is running). |
Starts the application. |
Stops the application. |
Displays a Bundle Report for this bundle. (Same action as the Bundle Report button in Bundle Details.) |
Copies this bundle from this source cluster node to a target cluster node. (Same action as Promote Bundle button on Bundle Details.) |
Refreshes any Agents on the promotion target server selected in this record. |
Reschedules a scheduled promotion. |
Displays a Remote Server Information pop-up that lists details about the Automation Center cluster node selected as the promotion target in this record. |
Provides a month-by-month display of all Custom Days defined for this calendar. |
Displays a table of the next 30 dates that match this Custom Day details. |
Displays a table of the next 30 periods that match this Custom Day details. |
Cluster Nodes |
Designates a particular Cluster Node as Preferred so that it will always be the Active node if it is running. | |
Clears the Preferred status from a Cluster Node. | |
Disables this scheduled data backup/purge.
Run the selected backup or purge. |
Terminates this scheduled
data backup/purge. |
Displays a menu of commands specific to Manual task instances: |
Sets this task instance to Success status. |
Resets the Started Time of this task instance. |
Resumes the connection of a suspended OMS Server.
Temporarily disconnects the OMS Server.
Run the selected report. |
Displays a menu of commands specific to SAP task instances:
Aborts the SAP job specified in the task instance. |
Interrupts the SAP Process Chain. |
Purges the SAP job specified in the task instance. |
Restarts the SAP Process Chain. |
Retrieves the SAP job definition. |
Retrieves the SAP job log. |
Retrieves the SAP job status. |
Retrieves the specific run information for the SAP Process Chain. |
Retrieves the "blueprint" information for the SAP Process Chain. |
Retrieves SAP Process Chain log. |
Retrieves SAP Process Chain status. |
Retrieves SAP spool list. |
Pins the tab to the task bar. | |
Automatically pins the tab to the task bar upon login. | |
Close this tab from the task bar. | |
Close all other tabs except this tab. | |
Close all tabs including this tab. | |
Cancels this task instance.
Displays a menu of the following actions: |
Clears all dependencies (predecessors, resources, and exclusive) to allow the task instance to run. |
Clears mutually exclusive dependencies of this task instance. |
Clears resource dependencies of this task instance. |
Clears all Wait To Start and Delay On Start specifications for this task instance. |
Places this task into the Finished status. |
Places this task into the Finished status without aborting monitoring processes. |
Cancels this task and places it into the Finished status. |
Cancels this task and places it into the Finished status without aborting monitoring processes. |
Places this task instance in the Held status |
Releases this task instance from Held status. |
Displays a menu of the following actions: This menu is disabled if the task instance does not qualify for re-run. |
Re-runs this completed task. For tasks not completed but scheduled for automatic retry, it re-runs the task and counts the re-run as one of the automatic retries. |
Re-runs a task instance specifying that intermediate failures be suppressed. (See Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) Permitted Universal Controller system property.) If the task instance qualifies for re-run, but it already has Retry Options enabled, the Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) command will display as disabled in the menu. |
Retrieves standard out and/or standard error output for the following running or completed task instances: FTP File Monitor, Linux/Unix, SAP, Universal Command, Windows, z/OS. |
Displays a menu of run priorities that you can set for this task instance:
Displays all variables currently available to the task instance, including those inherited from a workflow, those passed in from a trigger, or those available globally. |
Places this task in the Skipped status. |
Skips this task instance and all of its dependent task instances. |
Removes the Skip status from this task. |
Displays a dialog identifying blocking ancestors of a waiting task instance in a Workflow, if any exist. Only task instances that are in a workflow and have not started (that is: Defined, Waiting or Held status) will qualify. |
Displays the Workflow Monitor for the parent Workflow of a selected task instance and highlights that task instance within the Workflow. |
Displays the Workflow Task Instance Details of the parent Workflow, if applicable, of this task instance. |
Displays a dialog identifying the predecessors / successors of this task instance in the Workflow, if any exist. |
For task instances in Running status; Displays a list of running task instances that have the potential to match the specifications for tasks being monitored by the running Task Monitor task instance. |
Clears any Execution Restrictions that have been set for this task. |
Launches the task. |
Launches this task with one or more variables that you will specify on a Task Variables pop-up dialog. |
Resets the run-time statistics that the Controller has gathered for this task. |
Executes a selected command against all tasks that match the current filter. Before the selected command is executed, a confirmation pop-up displays. For example: |
Allows you to sets Execution Restrictions for this task. |
Displays a list of all parent workflows, if any, of this task. |
Displays a dialog that lets you select an execution user that overrides the execution user of task instances being launched by the trigger. |
Disables this trigger. |
Enables this trigger. |
Allows for the forecasting of a Workflow by specific date/time. |
Lets you modify and display a list of qualifying times for this trigger (the next 30 dates and times when this trigger will be satisfied). |
Recalculates the forecast data for this trigger. |
Executes a selected command against all triggers that match the current filter.
Before the selected command is executed, a confirmation pop-up displays. For example:
Lets you perform a Set Skip Count action if you have the Set Skip Count Trigger permission, Update permission, or both. |
Immediately triggers all the tasks specified in this trigger.
Unassigns an execution user that had been selected to override the execution user of task instances being launched by the trigger. |
Deselects all templates on the List/Load Built-In Universal Templates server operation list. | |
Loads all templates on the List/Load Built-In Universal Templates server operation list to the Universal Templates list. | |
Restores the default Universal Task icon to all Universal Tasks based on this Universal Template. |
Selects all templates on the List/Load Built-In Universal Templates server operation list. | |
Exports user groups and their permissions (see Exporting Records to an Output File). |
Resets the Resource Used value of a renewable virtual resource to accurately reflect the actual number of resources currently in use. |
Displays a menu of the commands specific to Workflow task instances: |
Releases this Workflow, and all of its task instances on Held Status, from Held status. |
Displays all children task instances of this Workflow task instance (and children task instances of any sub-Workflow task instance) and, optionally, their Predecessors and Successors within this Workflow. |
Displays a tree view of this workflow task instance and its tasks, including children tasks of any sub-Workflow task, and, optionally, lets you display the Details for any of those tasks. |
Displays the Workflow Monitor for this Workflow task instance. |
Displays a menu of the commands specific to Workflow tasks: |
Creates a copy of the Workflow, a copy of each task in the Workflow, and - optionally - copies of its Virtual Resources. |
Displays the Workflow Editor for this Workflow. |
Recalculates the forecast data for this workflow. |
Allows for the forecasting of a Workflow by specific date/time. |
Displays all children tasks of this Workflow task (and children tasks of any sub-Workflow task) and, optionally, their Predecessors, Successors, and Task Run Criteria within this Workflow. |
Displays a tree view of this workflow and its tasks, including children tasks of any sub-Workflow task, and, optionally, lets you display the Details for any of those tasks. |
Displays a menu of the following actions: |
Deselects the selected job step(s) from being included in a z/OS job re-run. |
Selects the selected job step(s) for inclusion in a z/OS job re-run. |
Selects the selected non-Restartable job step(s) for inclusion in a z/OS job re-run. |
Selects the selected job step and all following job steps for inclusion in a z/OS job re-run. |
Displays a menu of the following actions: |
Reset the override statistics used for automated JCL override clean-up. |