Universal Command - Remote Execution

Universal Command - Remote Execution


This page provides information on the Remote Execution feature of Universal Agent.

Remote Execution simply refers to the ability of initiating work from one system, referred to as the local system, that executes on another system, referred to as the remote system. The type of work executed on the remote system consists of most any type of work that the remote system supports, such as commands and scripts. The Universal Command component of Universal Agent is used to execute work on the remote system.

Remote Execution Components

Remote Execution utilizes primarily two Universal Agent Universal Command (UCMD) components:

  1. Universal Command Manager runs on the local system. The Manager initiates the work on the remote system.
  2. Universal Command Server runs on the remote systems. It executes work on behalf of a Universal Command Manager.

The Manager provides the information to the Server necessary for the Server to execute the work. This includes the command or script that defines the work as well as the user identifier with which the work should execute. The Server authenticates the user identifier on the remote server. If the user identifier authenticates successfully, the Server executes the work with the provided user identifier.

Once the work is started, the Manager supplies input files to, and receives output files from, the remote command Server in real-time. All files with character data are translated to the appropriate code pages for the respective system. The transmitted data, optionally, can be compressed, encrypted, or authenticated.

The Manager runs as long as the remote work is running. When the remote work ends, the Manager ends. The exit code of the remote work is used as the exit code of the Manager. With standard out and standard error as well as the exit status of the remote work available from the manager, there is no need for access to or expertise on the remote operating system.

Any type of program, command, or script file that can be run from the command line interface can be run by Universal Command. As such, Universal Command interfaces with your platform-specific job scheduling solutions, providing visibility and control throughout your entire enterprise. This enables you to have an end-to-end view of all workload activity.

Additional Information

The following pages provide additional detailed information for Remote Execution:


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