UEM Manager for zOS - Configuration

UEM Manager for zOS - Configuration


Configuration consists of:

  • Setting default options and preferences for all executions of UEM Manager.
  • Setting options and preferences for a single execution of UEM Manager.

Configuration Sources

UEM for z/OS receives its configuration options from the following sources:

  1. PARM keyword
  2. SYSIN DD statement
  3. Command file
  4. Configuration file

The order of precedence is the same as the list above; PARM keyword options being the highest and configuration file being the lowest. That is, options specified via a PARM keyword override options specified via a SYSIN ddname, and so on.

Detailed information on these methods of configuration can be found in Configuration Management.

Configuration File

The configuration file provides the simplest method of specifying configuration options whose values will not change with each command invocation. These default values are used if the options are not read from one or more other sources.

Some options only can be specified in the configuration file; they have no corresponding command line equivalent. Other options cannot be specified in the configuration file; they must be specified via one or more other sources for a single execution of UEM Manager.

For UEM Manager for z/OS, configuration options are placed in the configuration file that is referenced in the UEMPRC JCL procedure by the UNVCONF DD statement, member UEMCFG00.

The short and long forms of configuration options are used when an option is specified in the SYSIN DD statement.

  • Long form consists of two or more case-insensitive characters; it is available for all command options.
  • Short form consists of a single case-sensitive character; it is available for some command options.

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