HANDLER_OPTIONS - UEMLoad configuration option

HANDLER_OPTIONS - UEMLoad configuration option


The HANDLER_OPTIONS option specifies a value that is passed as a command line argument to the process that is executed on behalf of an event handler.


Specification Method

Parameter / Value


HP NonStop




Command Line, Short Form


Command Line, Long Form

-handler_opts string



Definition File Keyword

handler_opts string




string is a character string that is appended to the command line constructed by UEM in order to execute the event handler process.

A value of none can be used to remove the handler options string from an existing event definition record.

If string contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double ( " ) quotation marks.


If string contains spaces, it must be enclosed in either single ( ' ) or double ( " ) quotation marks.
If quotes are to be passed as part of the parameter's value (for example, an argument that contains spaces is to be passed to the handler process and treated as a single argument), enclose string in single quotes. Use a set of double quotes to enclose the quoted value.
For example, specifying -handler_options 'parm1 "parm2a parm2b" parm3' will cause three arguments to be passed to the process executed on behalf of the event handler. The portion of string enclosed in double quotes (that is, "parm2a parm2b") is treated as a single value.


If quotes are to be passed as part of the parameter's value (for example, an argument that contains spaces is to be passed to the handler process and treated as a single argument), the required syntax depends on whether the parameter is specified from the command line or from a definition file.
From the command line, use a backslash ( \ ) to escape the quotes that need to be preserved (for example: -handler_options "parm1 \"parm2a parm2b\" parm3"). From a definition file, use an extra double quote to escape the quotes (for example, handler_opts "parm1 ""parm2a parm2b"" parm3").
In both cases, three arguments will be passed to the event handler process. The portion of string enclosed in double quotes (that is, "parm2a parm2b") is treated as a single argument.

The HANDLER_OPTIONS value is very similar to the OPTIONS value stored in an event handler record. UEM adds both as command line parameters to the command string that it builds to execute an event handler process. The difference is that the value stored in HANDLER_OPTIONS is used by every event handler referenced by an event definition.

For example, if an event definition contains a value for TRIGGERED_HANDLER_ID and EXPIRED_HANDLER_ID, the command line arguments stored in HANDLER_OPTIONS are passed to both handler processes.

On the other hand, the value stored in OPTIONS is used every time the event handler's process is executed. Keep in mind that a single event handler record can be referenced by many event definition records. Because of this one-to-many relationship, UEM adds the value stored in HANDLER_OPTIONS to the command string after the value stored in the event handler's OPTIONS. This effectively allows an event definition to change the behavior of an event handler by overriding command line parameters (assuming that the last duplicate parameter specified is the one used by the process).

There is no default value for options for new event definition records.

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