UECLoad Command Line Syntax

UECLoad Command Line Syntax

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the syntax – using the long form of command line options – of the UECLoad utility.

{ -add | -delete | -list | -export | [EVENTS] }
[-userid user [-pwd pwd] ]
[-port port]
[-broker_desc description]
[-broker_host address]
[-broker_name name]
[-broker_port port]
[-groups grouplist]
[-arcfile filename]
[-codepage codepage]
[-level {trace|audit|info|warn|error} ]
[-deffile filename]
[-file ddname / filename | -encryptedfile ddname / filename  [-key key] ]
[-format [XML|CSV|ARC] ]
[-event_type type]
[-stime startdate [,starttime] ]
[-etime enddate [,endtime] ]

{ -help | -version }

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