Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Event Monitor Manager

Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Event Monitor Manager

Universal Event Monitor Manager

Universal Event Monitor Manager: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Message Language

Specifies the language used to display error messages.

Universal Event Monitor Manager: Network Options



Universal Broker connection options

Use the following local interface for outbound connections
When this option is selected, the IP address or alias of a local interface may be specified that will be used whenever UEM Manager connects to a Universal Broker.
If this option is not selected, any available local interface will be used.
When more than one local interface is available, this option may be used to specify the IP address or host name that should be used whenever UEM Manager connects to a Universal Broker. To have UEM Manager use any local interface available, leave this value blank.
Use all IP addresses returned by DNS when resolving host names
When this option is selected, all IP addresses returned by a DNS query for a given host name are expanded in the list of hosts. When this option is not selected, only the first IP address for the resolved host name is used.
This option is not selected by default.
Default Host Name/IP Address
Enter one or more valid IP addresses and/or host names – separated by a comma – to use as the default system(s) for event monitoring. A specific port number may also be specified for any one of the hosts in the list. The format for this list of one or more hosts is: host1[port1,host2port2,...,hostnportn]
To monitor an event on the local system, enter a host name of localhost, or an IP address of
Port Number
Enter a port number or service name that will be used to connect to Universal Broker.
Select the first host in a list using the following method
This option specifies how entries within a list of hosts are accessed as the Universal Event Monitor Manager attempts to establish a connection with a Universal Broker.
When the sequential selection method is chosen, connection attempts begin with the first host in the list. Connection attempts continue with each subsequent host in the list, until a connection to a Universal Broker is established or until all hosts in the list have been tried.
When the random method is chosen, connection attempts begin with a randomly selected host. Connection attempts continue with each host in the list until a connection is established or until the first host selected is reached again.
The default value for this option is sequential.
Retry host name resolution
Indicates the number of attempts that will be made to resolve a host name specified with the -host option on the Universal Event Monitor command line. This parameter can help resolve intermittent "host not found" errors.
Cancel Connect After
This option specifies how long the Universal Event Monitor Manager will wait for each connection attempt to a Universal Broker to complete before moving on to the next host in the list. If there are no more hosts in the list, or connection attempts to all the hosts time out, the Manager will terminate.
The default value for this option is 0 (zero), which instructs the UEM Manager to use the default TCP/IP timeout value. This results in a blocking connect attempt, and is provided to preserve compatibility with pre-v320 behavior.

Code Page

Sets the translation table used to translate text-based data transmitted across the network.

Network Delay

The network delay value specifies the maximum acceptable delay in the network. Should it take longer than the specified delay time to send or receive data over the network, the operation will end with a time out error. The default is 120 seconds.

Universal Event Monitor Manager: Runtime Options



Wait until the requested event becomes inactive before exiting

When this option is checked, the UEM Manager will, by default, wait for the event being monitored to become inactive before completing. This means that the Manager will not end until the demand-driven UEM Server that was started to monitor the event ends.
To cause the Manager to return as soon as the UEM Server begins monitoring the event, leave this option unchecked.

Make events inactive after detecting

This option is used to track the number of occurrences that are detected by a demand-driven UEM Server (that is, one started from a UEM Manager) for a given event. When the Server has detected the specified number of occurrences, the event will become inactive even if the inactive date/time has not elapsed. If the specified count is not reached by the inactive date/time, the event will become inactive at that time. A value of 0 (zero) will effectively disable this feature.

Universal Event Monitor Manager: SSL/TLS Options



Internal Communication Ciphers List

Universal Event Monitor uses the SSL/TLS protocol for internal communication between application components. A control session is established within the application that provides the connections necessary for this communication to take place. The SSL/TLS cipher suites available for communication across the control session are listed here.
The selected cipher suites will be forwarded to the Universal Event Monitor Server. The Server will compare this list to its own list of ciphers it is capable of accepting. The result of the comparison will be an agreed-upon cipher used for communication over the control session. If you are unsure which ciphers will be accepted by the Server, it is best to leave them all selected. Use the up/down arrows on the right to sort the list and establish a priority for the selected ciphers. The first one in the list that is accepted by the Server will be the one used.
The following cipher suites are available:

  • RC4-SHA -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • RC4-MD5 -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, MD5 message digest
  • AES256-SHA -- 256-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • AES128-SHA -- 128-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC3-SHA -- 128-bit Triple-DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC-SHA -- 128-bit DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest

Negotiate sessions using

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