Universal Products Install Merge

Universal Products Install Merge

Universal Products Install Merge

The Universal Products Install Merge (UPIMERGE) utility merges options and values from one Universal Agent component configuration file or component definition file with another.

UPIMERGE runs automatically during Universal Agent installation upgrades on UNIX and Windows. During the install, UPIMERGE combines options and values from existing configuration and component definition files with the options and values in the most recent versions of those files (delivered with the distribution package).

The result of each merge is a single file, with preserved options and values residing alongside any new options and values that were introduced to support new Universal Agent features.

The Universal Agent (UNIX and Windows) and Universal Enterprise Controller (Windows only) distribution packages also install UPIMERGE. This makes UPIMERGE available at any time for recovering archived options and values and merging them with the most recent options and values.

When used to update a Universal Agent configuration or component definition file, UPIMERGE must run with a user account that has write access to the output file. This typically means administrative access (that is, root on UNIX, Administrator on Windows).

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for Universal Products Install Marge:

Universal Products Install Merge Examples

See Merging Configuration Options for examples of how to use Universal Products Install Merge.

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