Working With Job Definition Files

Working With Job Definition Files

Initial Run of a Command ID Job

The following examples will submit, start, and wait for the command ID job defined in job definition file jobdef. Because the RESTART option is set to no, Universal Connector will scan the SAP system to ensure that a command ID job with the same job name/command ID pair does not already exist on the system.

If a matching command ID job is found on the SAP system, Universal Connector will exit with an error code before performing the job submission.

Pre-XBP 2.0 CFT Mode

usap -userid bob -pwd secret -submit jobdef -start -wait -cft_secure_cft no 
     -cft_target_host pwdf0196 -cft_cmd_prefix "cmd /C" -cmdid E8E8E80001 -restart no


The Client Fault Tolerance Command ID Prefix (-cft_cmd_prefix) is set up for a Windows host. In many user environments, the Client Fault Tolerance Command ID Prefix option can be specified in the configuration file and will never need to be specified on the command line. The same is true for the Client Fault Tolerance Target Host option (-cft_target_host). The secure CFT option (-cft_secure_cft) also would be set in the configuration file in most cases.

Secure CFT Mode

usap -userid bob -pwd secret -submit jobdef -start -wait -cft_secure_cft yes 
     -cft_abap BTCTEST -cmdid E8E8E80001 -restart no


In secure CFT mode, the (-cft_secure_cft) and (-cft_abap) parameters would most likely be specified in the Universal Connector configuration file.

Command Line Options

Command line options used in these examples are:

Command Options



Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Defines a job to the SAP system.


Starts the newly defined job.


Wait for the SAP job to complete processing.


Mode of client fault tolerance to be used for the command invocation.


In pre-XBP 2.0 CFT mode, the target host to use for the command ID job step when the command ID option is used.


In pre-XBP 2.0 CFT mode, the prefix command required for the operating system of the target host.


ABAP program to use for the command ID job step.


Identifier used to identify the unit of work represented by a USAP command and the associated SAP job.


Specification for whether or not this execution of Universal Connector is a restart of a previous client fault tolerant Universal Connector command.

Restart of a Command ID Job

In the following examples, Universal Connector is requested to restart command ID job E8E8E80001. Universal Connector will first parse the jobdef file to determine the jobname, and then scan the SAP system for a matching command ID job.

If a matching command ID job is found, Universal Connector reconnects to that job and satisfies the command line requirements. In this case, that means that if the job has not yet been started, it will be started, Universal Connector will wait for the job to complete (if it has not already), and the output will be returned.

If no matching command ID job is found, Universal Connector will terminate with an error code. Appropriate informational messages will be printed to standard error.

Pre-XBP 2.0 CFT Mode

usap -userid bob -pwd secret -submit jobdef -start -wait -cmdid E8E8E80001 -restart yes
     -cft_secure_cft no 

Secure CFT Mode

usap -userid bob -pwd secret -submit jobdef -start -wait -cmdid E8E8E80001 -restart yes
     -cft_secure_cft yes 

Command Line Options

Command line options used in these examples are:

Command Options



Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Defines a job to the SAP system.


Starts the newly defined job.


Wait for the SAP job to complete processing.


Identifier used to identify the unit of work represented by a USAP command and the associated SAP job.


Specification for whether or not this execution of Universal Connector is a restart of a previous client fault tolerant Universal Connector command.


Mode of client fault tolerance to be used for the command invocation.

Run a Command ID Job Using Restart AUTO

In the following examples, Universal Connector will first scan the SAP system to determine if a matching command ID job exists.

If no matching command ID job is found, Universal Connector considers this to be the initial instance of this command ID job and defines the new command ID job to the SAP system. If a matching command ID job is found, Universal Connector reconnects with the existing SAP job.

After determining if the command ID job is initial or a restart, Universal Connector satisfies the command line requirements.

Pre-XBP 2.0 CFT Mode

usap -userid bob -pwd secret -submit jobdef -start -wait -cft_target_host pwdf0196 
     -cft_cmd_prefix "cmd /C" -cmdid E8E8E80001 -restart auto -cft_secure_cft no

Secure CFT Mode

usap -userid bob -pwd secret -submit jobdef -start -wait -cmdid E8E8E80001 -restart auto
     -cft_secure_cft yes

Command Line Options

Command line options used in these examples are:

Command Options



Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Defines a job to the SAP system.


Starts the newly defined job.


Wait for the SAP job to complete processing.


Mode of client fault tolerance to be used for the command invocation.


In pre-XBP 2.0 CFT mode, the target host to use for the command ID job step when the command ID option is used.


In pre-XBP 2.0 CFT mode, the prefix command required for the operating system of the target host.


Identifier used to identify the unit of work represented by a USAP command and the associated SAP job.


Specification for whether or not this execution of Universal Connector is a restart of a previous client fault tolerant Universal Connector command.