UDM - Logical Name Built-In Variables

UDM - Logical Name Built-In Variables

Logical Name Built-In Variables

When a session is established, built-in variables are created for each transfer server and contain information about each server.

The names of these variables are based on the logical name of the transfer server, preceded by an underscore. If the primary transfer server is not specified (implying a two-party transfer session), its built-in variable will have the name _local.

These logical name built-in variables persist only for the duration of the session.

They have three attributes:


Contains the host name of the transfer server.


Holds the port used to connect to the transfer server over.


Contains the userid used to sign into the transfer server.


The following shows how these built-in variables can be used:

open remote=mymachine port=10000 user=me pwd=mypwd
if $(_lastrc EQ 0)
  print msg="Connected to $(_remote.host):$(_remote.port)"
  print msg="    as $(_remote.user) from $(_local)"

This example produces the following output:

Connected to mymachine:10000
   as me from (local)

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