Universal Display Log File

Universal Display Log File

Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1.   These pages provide information for that version.

Universal Display Log File

Universal Display Log File (UDSPLOGF) is a command for the IBM i environment. It consists of a command line program followed by a list of configuration options.

Universal Display Log File reads job log output files that were created as a result of API QMHCTLJL or command DSPJOBLOG. The job log is formatted and written to standard output.

Optionally, UDSPLOGF can delete the job log file members after writing. File member deletion is controlled by the REMOVE_MEMBERS option. The default behavior is to leave the members unaltered.


Universal Display Log File became available for the IBM i environment with PTF 0UC0114 (maintenance level

Workload Automation 5 for IBM i Commands

The names of the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i commands that are installed in the IBM i QSYS library are tagged with the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i version / release / modification number, 511. The names of the commands installed in the Universal Agent for IBM i product library, UNVPRD511, are untagged.

To maintain consistency across releases, you may prefer to use the untagged names in your production environment. The Change Release Tag program, UCHGRLS, lets you change the tagged command names in QSYS to the untagged command names in UNVPRD511.

These pages reference the IBM i commands by their untagged names. If you are using commands with tagged names to run Universal Display Log File, substitute the tagged names for the untagged names in these references.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of Universal Display Log File.

[PRMRYFILE(filename[library]) [PRMRYMBR(member)] ]
[SCNDRYFILE(filename[library]) [SCNDRYMBR(member)] ]

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for Universal Display Log File:

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