z/OS Installation - Configuration

z/OS Installation - Configuration


The following pages describe the z/OS configuration steps required for the Universal Broker, Universal Enterprise Controller, and Universal Automation Center Agent:

The Universal Broker component is a required component. Universal Enterprise Controller is optional. Universal Automation Center Agent is required to manage workload with Universal Controller.

The following configuration steps are described:

  • Installing the started tasks and setting up the started task user IDs and group IDs.
  • APF authorizing the SUNVLOAD library, adding it to program control and adding specific programs to the LNKLST.
  • Installation of SMF exits.
  • Configuration of Universal Spool and Universal Enterprise Controller HFS or zFS databases.

Member UNVINRF in the INSTALL library provides a sample JCL that can be used to execute the RACF commands described in the following pages as a TSO batch job.

Carefully read the comments in the member before submitting the JCL. The JCL is provided only as a sample. Follow local procedures as necessary for defining and altering security resources.

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