UDM - Built-In Variables

UDM - Built-In Variables


UDM provides built-in variables that are used to make available some of its internal values to UDM commands. Depending on the variable, their values are provided by UDM and/or defined via the set command.


All built-in variables are preceded by an underscore ( _ ) to indicate that they are built-in variables reserved by UDM and so do not conflict with the built-in variables and variables created in a script.

A Stonebranch Tip

Version 1.1.0 of UDM had four built-in variables: echo, halton, lines, and rc.

The names of these variables were not preceded with an underscore ( _ ) as they are in version 3.1.0 and later.

For the purpose of backward compatibility, these variables can be referenced by their 1.1.0 names as well.

Built-In Variables List

The following table lists all of the UDM built-in variables.

Each Variable Name is a link to detailed information about that variable.

Variable Name



Displays the current date in the format appropriate for the system's locale.


Contains the amount of available space (in bytes) on the volume or file system queried by the diskspace command.


Specification for whether or not a command is echoes prior to processing.


Holds the completion value of the last non-UDM process executed using the UDM exec command. Return codes resulting from a malformed UDM exec command or from failed process initiation are placed in _lastrc and/or _rc.


Holds the results of the existdir command.


Name of the file for the current iteration in a forfiles loop.


Number of files returned by a forfiles statement.


Return code value that causes UDM to terminate if it is greater than 0 and is equaled or exceeded by the return code value in the _rc variable.


Interval at which keepalive messages are sent form the UDM Manager to transfer servers.


Contains all of the messages written in the transaction log for the last network- or file-oriented command issued.


Holds the return code of the last command issued and, optionally, an indication of what happened with the last executed statement.


Specification for whether or not the line number is printed with the error if a command cannot be parsed or is malformed.


Displays the work ID value of the UDM Manager.


Absolute path of the file for the current iteration in a forfiles loop.


Current UDM return code.


Current time.


Generates a UUID.

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